Friday 26 August 2016

publications - Emerging science citation index (ESCI) listed vs SCI listed journals - worthyness to publish

As I know 'Emerging science citation index (ESCI) listed journals' will not receive an impact factor from 'Thompson Reuters'. Further, Science citation indexed (SCI) and Science citation index expanded (SCIE) journals receive impact factors.

Suppose I'm gonna apply for a scholarship for a PhD and that scholarship requires me to have some contribution to the world as a researcher, is there a probability that they will ever consider a research published in a 'SCI' or 'SCIE' listed journal than 'ESCI' listed journal? provided those journals are from reputed publishers.

And is it worth to publish in a 'ESCI' journal? or am I just wasting my precious paper in a non-worthy journal? any other factors to be considered when publishing papers?

P.S: Suppose, my study area as 'Construction Management and Economics'

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