Thursday 11 August 2016

best book for a comprehensive introduction to biology for a computer science graduate interested in undertaking research in bioinformatics

I have a postgraduate degree in computer science, and I wish to undertake research in bioinformatics. I had chemistry but no biology in high school. I have read bioinformatics books like "biological sequence analysis" by durbin and "fundamental concepts of bioinformatics" by krane, etc. But I wish to read a comprehensive book on biology (genetics) that will help me undertake research in bioinformatics properly. I have been considering 2 books: "molecular biology of the cell" and "molecular biology of the gene". Are these books comprehensive enough? Please suggest some good books as I have almost no knowledge of biology at highschool or graduate levels.


Welcome to Biology and welcome to Biology.SE!

It is hard to answer such a question as the domains you describe are very vast.

If you want a book in an introductory book to biology, then you want to read this post and this post.

If you are more interested in population genetics and molecular evolution then this post will interest you. Still talking about evolution I'd like to attract your attention to this post for the second suggestion in the first answer: Yang, Computational molecular evolution

You'll probably want to have a look at the post A free book/resource for learning genetics?.

Book recommendations for algorithms used in evolutionary biology and Introductory book in genetics might be a post of interest as well.

Unfortunately I don't know any of the two books you cite so I can't quite give you advice for them. molecular biology of the cell is a very common book among first year biology. It sounds like a potential good reading for you. I know nothing about molecular biology of the gene except what I just read about it on Amazon.

I am hoping one will give you a better criticisms about very general books about molecular biology.

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