Sunday, 31 January 2016

writing style - How to thank a teacher in a thesis?

Given that a student wants to thank you her teacher for her assistance to her project thesis, is it polite if she writes any of this at the end of her thesis:

  1. Thanks to your assistance, my project was done under your supervision.

  2. You have been my project's tutor. Now it is done successfully, thank you.


Well, what I wrote was partly humor, partly serious:

"I would like to thank: Prof. [my adviser] for his advice and support throughout the thesis work, Prof. [] for his patience as I mis-implemented his design, [] for his assistance in selecting components, the [lab and department] for computer time, [], whose Masters thesis provided the format I have adopted, the manufacturers of [caffeinated beverages] for their stimulating ideas, E. Gary Gygax for giving me something to kill, and the States of Alaska and Confusion."

I think you're overthinking this. Any polite statement crediting those who have made a significant contribution to the project will be fine.

Suggestion: see if your school maintains copies of past theses in their library, read through a few to see what other people have done, and adopt what seems useful from those.

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