Wednesday 14 September 2016

tools - Web Service to fetch article citations

I am trying to find a way to search for all the citations contained in an article. What I want to do is create a workflow for my research where:

  1. I have a pool of articles that I have already read.

  2. I want to find a new article to read, based on this pool of articles, so I find all the citations of all the read articles and calculate the most cited article, which is the next article I should read (obviously skipping articles that I have already read).

But I have been unable to find a way to automatically download all of the citations of a specific article. Is there no way to do it? even payed?


There seems to be no service or tool that let's you download articles in bulk. This is probably so because most journals do have zero tolerance for bulk/automated downloads. Automated downloads are some times (may be most of the times) an attempt to infringe the copyrights.

For example, ACM Digital Library ToS has this restriction.

Under no circumstances are the following actions permitted:

  • Using scripts or spiders to automatically download articles or harvest metadata from the ACM Digital Library. This activity is a serious violation of ACM’s DL usage policy and will result in the temporary or permanent termination of download rights for the subscribing institution.

That being said, irrespective of the field of research, here are some services (free and paid) that offers you a list of citations / cited by articles (other than the journal's webpage for the article).

While ACM provide free Cited by list, IEEE provides this for subscribers/members.

Also please note, from NASA ADS FAQ

In addition, references may be incomplete due to our inability to match them with 100% accuracy (e.g. in press, private communications, author errors, some conference series, etc.). Anyone using the citations for analysis of publishing records should keep this in mind.

which is true for any citation / Cited by lists.

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