Thursday 29 September 2016

physics - How do I get physicists to listen to something that they do not want to hear? (Not a duplicate)

My words are coherent and intelligible. My arguments are valid and sound. It is nonsense to accuse me of being a crackpot simply because you do not wish to hear what I have to say. Please remove the duplicate tag on this post?

I have discovered a mistaken assumption that was made three centuries ago and has somehow been overlooked since then. It is a principle that was initially and remains to this day "proven" by a perceptual error. If we put the demonstrations and examples to the test of measurement, it is clear that the principle is mistaken. It has deep rooted effects on almost every aspect of science.

It is actually a very simple problem which makes my task more difficult because I face the argument that the theoretical physics papers I have produced are too short to be of importance. This is nonsense. Bear in mind that there is no restriction on the minimum length of a physics paper and I have discovered that the more material that is available to a person who is determined not to accept something, the more hooks there are available for a confirmation bias to manifest. I have discovered through my attempts that brevity is key to overcoming confirmation bias. There is good reason that there is no restriction on the minimum length of a physics paper. Unfortunately, I have not yet discovered the key to overcoming the cognitive dissonance that confirmation bias quickly evolves into.

My papers have been rejected without peer review more than a hundred times despite having had them professionally edited to ensure that they are properly formatted and error free.

I am censored on every science forum upon which I have tried to post anything related to this in most cases before any discussion has taken place. This post itself is being marked as a duplicate with nonsensical reasoning.

It is bad science to reject a submission without even addressing the presented argument. It is bad science to reject a logical proof without showing that the premisses are false or the deduction flawed. It is bad science to base your beliefs on tradition and ignore and censor any information which might conflict with them. It is bad science to immediately accuse someone of crackpotism the moment they say something which threatens your beliefs. It is bad science to drown someone out with ad-hominem, ridicule and mockery in order to prevent that anyone else might hear what he has to say lest they be open to correct thinking.

This is a very important issue and I am not prepared to give up on it because people would prefer not to hear it.

Once the denial is overcome, this will resolve many of the anomalies that are floating around in the world of physics. Not only that, but many of the worlds greatest minds are wasting time on problems that are a result of this mistaken assumption and once they realise that, their attention can be applied to issues that are realistic instead and this might result in progress the likes of which we have not seen in many years.

It is extremely important.

How do I get my arguments properly addressed?

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