Monday 26 September 2016

funding - Is it appropriate to mention one's religion in an academic CV?

I recently moved to a Nordic country in an academic position. For my first grant application, I collaborated with other researchers at the university. As I was submitting the proposal along with the CVs, I noticed that two of the researchers had mentioned their religion. I have never seen this in academia, at least in South-east Asia where I spent majority of my work life.

Here are other details that I think are relevant:

  • Our research domain is engineering, not humanities or social sciences.

  • Both researchers are Muslim.

  • The funding agency is a private one that favors industrial collaborations.

My questions:

  • Is it appropriate to mention one's religion in an academic CV?

  • Does mentioning one's religion help in grant proposals or academic positions? I think in a fair world it shouldn't.

  • Do western countries, especially European, favor candidates who are Muslim?

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