Thursday 29 October 2015

Questions about the evolution theory

I'm not sure whether I can ask those questions about evolution in one post or should separate them into multiple posts, but I am just curious about the evolutiontheory. (I am new here)

Sorry for my english and my many questions :)

My questions:

  1. They say humans and monkeys have a mutual ancestor. Was it literally one ancestor? Because if so, then it would need a partner to regenerate children right?

  2. Even if they would have children, then these children would be brothers and sisters right, which means they cannot have sex to regenerate their children?

  3. They say that humans and monkeys have a mutual ancestor, does that mean that a certain brother's family became monkeys and the other brother's family became human?

  1. If humans and monkeys have a mutual ancestor, then how come humans and monkeys are so different in terms of intelligence, hygiene, clothing?

  2. They say humans lost our fur because we don't need it anymore, but how come we still need cloths to wear to protect us from cold?

  3. Why do humans have to brush our teeth, cut our nails, use toilets and work for our food and drinks, while any other animals don't?

  4. Why do men and women have those specific features that make a man a man and a woman and woman? Why do women have to give birth and not men? Why do men have more facial hair growth and are built stronger than woman (while male and female chimpansees (our closest ancestors) both grow facial hair Why do men grow facial hair?)? Some people say men have more facial hair growth and are built stronger because they used to hunt (why did men hunt and not women?), but some say men hunt because they have more facial hair and are built stronger. Wouldn't it be a circle reasoning? (facial hair because hunt) (hunt because built strong)

  1. Why do human male and female look different compared to other animals? Why do human individuals look different from each other, but all other animals look like each other (geometrically)?

  1. Could it be possible that we relate humans to animals, because we associate animal behavior with human behavior due to our human reasoning (which we can't help of course)? But human and animal behavior that look similar, does not mean that they have the same meaning right?

  2. Does 'survival of the fittest' mean the following?: Humans have finger nails and a protruding nose, because animals that didn't have nails or protruding noses are extinct?

  3. Why do humans have a chin, curly hair, eyebrows, lips and facial hair above the lips while monkeys don't?

  4. Why do humans have this specific hairline (separation line between hair and skin)

  1. Why can human hair and finger nails grow forever, but monkey's hair and nails don't grow that long?

  1. Some human emotions such as guilt and fear sometimes result in not doing anything at all, but isn't that evolutionary a disadvantage?

  2. Humans have so little fur compared to monkeys. Which means that at some point, starting from the ancestor, the next generation lost more and more fur. At some moment there was so little fur left that generation felt cold and wore some clothing? But what about their naked parents who have about the same amount of fur?

  3. Why are there humans and monkeys, but not intermediate forms that slowly changed from the ancestor to human or ancestor to monkey? Because they would have human characteristics but also monkey characteristic which are still there nowadays?

  4. Could it be possible that new species are not arisen, but just discovered?

  5. Could it be possible that all the species do not arise in series (after each other), but parallel (at the same time). Because if it would be the former, then the food chain would be incomplete?

  6. Why do we have puberty, and why don't boys already have facial hair when they are kids (for warmth)?

  7. They say humans find a lover because, evolutionary speaking, they want to produce children. But how come some couples choose not to have children?

  8. Why do humans talk and write (have a language), while monkeys don't?

  9. They say the big bang was the cause of everything, but how can material appear from nothing? (Which basically means 0=1) Even if organic molecules came from an-organic molecules, they it would still not mean that the organic molecules were living? (example: a wooden door is organic, but does not live)

  10. They say evolution is driven by mutations. Are protruding noses and nails the consequence of mutations? But most mutations are of disadvantages (example: diseases)

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