Thursday 29 October 2015

paper submission - Which email address should a student use in a publication?

So my student and I are writing a paper, my question is: Among firstname.lastname@student.institution.domain vs

which sounds more professional?

I personally submitted a paper back when I was a bachelor student using my gmail address, although I had a similar student account like the one above. But my supervisor back then advised me not to use an @student account

In this related question, a reviewer mentioned that he tends to have a negative a-priori when he sees an author of a paper with a gmail address (he admits that it should mainly be about the quality of the work, but he can't help it)


It depends on many things, which I tried to order by descending priority:

  • Possible journal policy: in most cases, they don't have one

  • Possible employer policy: my own institution forbids the use of addresses in lieu of our professional ones, because of a national policy forbidding use of commercial email providers for state-paid positions (prohibitions which my institution extends to students)

  • Which email address you'll keep longer: students email is temporary, but may also be (it may not be hard to imagine that, in some near future, you become infuriated by Google's (or any company's) behavior and close your account). On that note: if you graduated from some institution, you may get a permanent alumni email redirection, which may last longer than all those individual accounts.

  • Which email looks more professional: sure doesn't do any good for your reputation.

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