Friday 26 July 2019

graduate admissions - Doing MS in CS from low ranked university versus applying again next year?

I have done my undergrad in electronics from India and want to do a masters in computer science. My initial goal was to do it from a good university but I got rejected from all the ones that I applied to, even though I have very good GRE scores but an average GPA (68% approx = 3.1) with no industry experience. I got acceptance from a university in TX that has no rank published on usnews rankings.

Should I accept going to low/no rank university now or should I try again next year?

Secondly, is it okay to request the university to defer the admission for a year so that I can apply for better universities next year? I think it's highly unlikely that the university will hold the spot for me for an year but still asking to get some advice. Thanks in advance for helping me on this.


Please don't rely only on a ranking to figure out if a particular university is the right place for you. Here is what you can look at instead:

  • course offerings at the candidate university

  • schedule of classes for next fall and spring -- this is important, because some institutions list mouth-watering courses which are almost never offered in practice

  • faculty profiles

  • faculty publications

  • opportunities for student research projects and collaboration with industry

  • the institution's commitment to assisting students with their job search

  • their calendar of events to see what sort of seminar talks and cultural events take place there

  • their list of student clubs, to see if you will find like-minded souls there

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