Wednesday 17 April 2019

zoology - Number of families in Animal kingdom

I found this question about how many taxonomic families there are. That made me wonder how many are just in the animal kingdom alone. I want to know about families not species. Now the linked question was three years ago, so there should be some new information and numbers. A good answer would preferably include a breakdown of the phyla.


The Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) is maintained regularly by a consortium of North American governmental agencies, and will give you a list of all the classes, orders, families or genera in any of seven kingdoms they recognize. It might be biased towards North American taxa, but it might be quicker to get a list from then rather than extracting them from Wikipedia.

To help you further, user Rozenn Keribin used an awk script to summarize the number of families per phylum at

Phylum: Myxozoa -- 4
Phylum: Chordata -- 1049
Phylum: Echinodermata -- 139
Phylum: Hemichordata -- 7
Phylum: Xenacoelomorpha -- 9
Phylum: Chaetognatha -- 9
Phylum: Arthropoda -- 2504

Phylum: Kinorhyncha -- 10
Phylum: Loricifera -- 2
Phylum: Nematoda -- 192
Phylum: Nematomorpha -- 3
Phylum: Onychophora -- 2
Phylum: Priapulida -- 3
Phylum: Tardigrada -- 20
Phylum: Annelida -- 142
Phylum: Brachiopoda -- 21
Phylum: Bryozoa -- 133

Phylum: Kamptozoa -- 5
Phylum: Mollusca -- 581
Phylum: Nemertea -- 20
Phylum: Phoronida -- 0
Phylum: Sipuncula -- 6
Phylum: Acanthocephala -- 26
Phylum: Gastrotricha -- 13
Phylum: Gnathostomulida -- 12
Phylum: Micrognathozoa -- 1
Phylum: Orthonectida -- 2

Phylum: Platyhelminthes -- 321
Phylum: Rhombozoa -- 3
Phylum: Rotifera -- 34
Phylum: Cnidaria -- 269
Phylum: Ctenophora -- 19
Phylum: Placozoa -- 0
Phylum: Porifera -- 142
Total -- 5703

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