Saturday 3 February 2018

Has a "portfolio" of orthogonal projects ever been acceptable for a PhD thesis, instead of a single large project?

My interests are very broad. Before grad school I did a lot of things, but now it's expected that I only do one thing. Provided that I can demonstrate research competence in more than one field, by publishing for example, is it possible to write a thesis that consists of several smaller, orthogonal projects instead of a single great push? I understand why this isn't encouraged - diluting yourself is not an efficient way to get things done and it's unlikely that one would be able to become a PhD-level "expert" in more than one deep subject. But provided that one is very industrious and willing to give up the prospect of having any kind of normal life, which I am, has this ever been done?

Also: I realize this is funding-dependent - assume that I have external funding from a fellowship.

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