Monday, 19 February 2018

computer science - General structure of Research Statement (applying for faculty position)

I'm going to apply for assistant professor positions (in theoretical computer science) soon, and I'm trying to get a feeling for how to write a good research statement.

  1. Should it contain a detailed overview of my (recent?) publications?

  2. If the answer to 1 is yes, should I highlight my specific contributions in multi-author papers - as opposed to "we proved this and that..." ?

  3. If the answer to 1 is yes, I must list the references here that I'm mentioning, which are also stated (in the full list of publications) in my CV, right?

  4. Assuming there's no page limit, what's an appropriate length for a research statement?

My current plan is to group my work into topics and then, for each topic, provide a short overview of the respective papers ("What I've done so far") and some outlook on some future work ("What I would like to do").

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