Thursday 26 January 2017

email - Logistics of asking for letter of recommendation after graduation

I graduated from by undergrad two years ago (this May) and now I am applying to law school and require letters of recommendation from my undergrad.

Although I did well in their classes and spoke with them to some extent outside the classroom, I haven't stayed in touch with my professors, so I am not sure how well they would remember me, due to the length of time.

My question is how I would logistically go about asking for LOR's. I live relatively near the University, so I could conceivably ask them in person, but it would seem odd to just drop in on them randomly (at office hours?). Would this be the best approach?

Or should I email them ahead to ask to meet? If so, should I allude to the fact that I want to discuss a letter of recommendation in these emails or should I just ask to meet without giving specifics.

Final point: I am planning on applying September, so does it seem to early to ask in this March, or is that not an issue?

Thanks for any answers/suggestions!

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