Tuesday 14 June 2016

terminology - What is the difference between aims and objectives in a research proposal?

Within the context of research (e.g., research proposal), what makes the Aims and Objectives different to one another?

I am looking for a clear and simple answer. When I look around I often end up more confused.


This shows up generally in the English language, I've seen the exact same discussion in writing constitutions for not for profits, and similar answer applies.

Consider the context of a military plan:

  • Aim: Secure the northern boarder.

  • Objective: Increase garrison strength to 150 men

  • Objective: Assassinate the neighboring warlord: McBaddie

  • Objective: Rebuild border wall

Your aim is "What do we overall want" -- the what, your objective is "What will do to achieve it" -- the how. Once all your objectives are complete, then you should have thus completed the aim. Objectives are also "whats" and so can be the "aims" for subobjectives. Eg

  • Objective: Increase garrison strength to 150 men

  • SubObjective: increase recuiting in cities X,Y,Z

  • SubObjective: Decrease training times of recuits by increasing hours of training per day by 25%.

So for a research proposal: say you are in the area of Sports science/mechanical engineering, working on bicycle design.

  • Aim: to produce the most efficient bycycle in terms of cadence to power ratio.

  • Objective: Develop a sensor accurately measure power that can fit into a pedal casing

  • Objective: Determine normal cadence rate for cyclists, and the level they can be trained to vary it.

  • Objective: Determine the most effective material to build gear systems out of.

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