Friday 19 February 2016

citations - Is there a way to report to google scholar some systematic mistakes?

I've noticed, for citations, that some BibTeX files provided by google scholar are having regular errors (I believe these are errors).

For bib items, there is the "pages" field, in which we could input a range or a number of pages an article has. I've found at least two journals (in a short time span) whose articles have a wrong "pages" field. For instance


title={Heat generation in plasmonic nanostructures: Influence of morphology},
author={Baffou, G and Quidant, R and Girard, C},
journal={Applied Physics Letters},


title={Super-resolution in high-contrast media},
author={Ammari, Habib and Zhang, Hai},
booktitle={Proc. R. Soc. A},
organization={The Royal Society}


Similarly, this last paper is not a proceeding, but an article from the journal "Proceedings of the Royal Society".

Probably there are some other mistakes around.

I know that these data are collected automatically, but, is there any way to report the errors to help google scholar to perfect their algorithms?


The obvious place to report it would be the Google Scholar "contact us" form. I suspect there is little chance of the problems being fixed (since scholar has been around for over a decade, and I'm sure others must have reported these problems over the years) but you have little to lose by trying.

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