Tuesday 29 December 2015

Postdoc Funding for an American looking to do a postdoc in europe (in Theoretical Computer Science)

Hi I am doing a phd in theoretical computer science, and will be finishing this year and applying to postdocs for Fall 2016. I am an American, but for various reasons would like to study in Europe. Ideally the professors I am interested in would have postdoc funding available, but since that is often not the case, are there any grants/fellowships that cover postdoc salaries available for americans studying in europe? Are there other funding options I'm missing? Am I correct to assume that in europe like in America one gets postdoc funding from the professor (or from a grant), not from the department as a whole? As you can see, I know little about how funding works in Europe!

In case the answer to my question is country specific, the countries that I am most strongly considering so far are Germany and Switzerland.

Thanks for your help!

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