Tuesday 15 December 2015

journals - Does conference presentation of preliminary findings conflict with publication?

I am exciting to share our preliminary results. I also want to demonstrate productivity, so I'm wrestling with the idea of presenting findings in presentation and poster format at an upcoming conference. The research is in health care. However, our big journals typically don't publish papers on data that has been published or presented elsewhere. I'm looking for any advice on navigating journal requirements such as:


The paper should deal with original material, neither previously published nor being considered for publication elsewhere, except in special circumstances agreed with the Editor-in-Chief.

Annals of Emergency Medicine:

Annals publishes only original work in accordance with the ICMJE policy on overlapping publications. If your manuscript or data, in whole or part, has been published elsewhere, or has been or will be submitted for publication elsewhere, this may constitute unacceptable prior and/or duplicate publication. Should there be any doubt, please detail the specific circumstances to us in your cover letter. Failure to do so could be interpreted as deliberate duplicate publication.

What would people think if we published secondary outcomes and answered a different research question than the research manuscript we intend to ultimately publish? Thoughts?

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