Tuesday 31 December 2019

publications - What to do if cited papers are not freely available while reviewing a manuscript?

Recently I was reviewing a manuscript. I found that few cited papers of this manuscript are not freely available to my institute. So what should I do? Should I ask those papers to the editor?


Reviewing a manuscript does not mean you have to know or have read all the literature cited. In some cases, however, you can be unsure of a statement or a method used and need to consult the original source.

You have multiple options here:

1-Try to access the article on the web. The OA button can help you here, but there's many other way, some less legal.

2- Contact the authors of the article you want to obtain and ask for a PDF copy. Academians used to send each others postcard to access articles! A demand by email is most often met by a yes.

3- In your reviewer report, write something along these lines:

The authors cite Smith et al 2005 in line 105 to support this statement. I have no access to this article and I can't confirm that this statement is correct.

There's probably some other possible actions here. Unless the article you want to access is from the journal for which you are reviewing, I wouldn't bother to contact the editor.

Including many pages of serialization code and generated source code in Master's thesis?

I'm working on my Master's thesis in Computer Science. Shortly, I am "drawing" a diagram, which is then serialized and from the serialization I generate some source code. So, my question is not about the code of my application, but about the code generated by it. I think we can call it the result of my app.

I want to include an example of what output (source code, although I will also include the intermediary serialization) has my app for a certain input (a diagram). I mention that this would mean many pages, maybe a total of 7-10. Should I include this in the part related to the results or maybe in an appendix? Or is there a more suitable place? Or should I not include anything at all?


Short answer: put your code in public repo, and cite the repo in your paper.

Long answer: Any academic document you produce is supposed to be readable and useful to your readers. Try to put yourself in a reader's shoes and imagine how you feel reading through a 7-page long autogenerated code? Is is a pleasant or useful experience that you would like to repeat one day?

The modern technology allows us to use much more than just a text on the paper to present our research outputs. Although a short pieces of code may be extremely useful and appropriate in textbooks or some articles, the long code and auto-generated code really does not belong to the paper. It should be kept in a public repository, where it really belong, and used as a working example, which people can download, modify and execute, not just enjoy it aesthetically in a pdf file.

eyes - Is it safe to look indirectly at the Sun?

I.e., is exposure of sunlight onto the peripheral vision less damaging than exposure onto the fovea?

publications - arXiv preprint and final paper differing by sections and appendices

Because of the style of a journal, and the space limit, I was asked to remove a section and all appendices.

While I have no problem with that, I want to preserve it in the arXiv preprint.


  • Is it OK to have different final papers and its arXiv version?
    (perhaps with the comment, e.g. "Sec 3.4. and Appendices A and B only in the arXiv version")

  • Is it OK to cite in a paper its own arXiv version?
    (e.g. derivation of (15) is in [5]?)


There doesn't need to be a strict correlation between an arXiv publication and an actual publication. It's actually common to use arXiv to publish extended/longer version of a published version (which seems exactly what you want to do). So

  • Yes, it's OK to have a final paper that differs from the arXiv version.

  • Yes, it's even encouraged to cite the arXiv version to point to appendices/extra material/proofs/detailed examples, etc.

However, the main rule is still that your journal paper must be self-contained, i.e., must be understandable without having to read the arXiv version. In other words, if removing the section implies to remove a definition (for instance), then you must put this definition somewhere else in the paper.

Sunday 29 December 2019

publications - How to handle not being credited for research software development in papers?

I worked for a publicly funded body. Whilst there I designed and developed a number of epidemiological surveillance applications.

I have left the organisation but since then I have noticed that some of my ex-coworkers have started to publish papers based on the data collected by the systems that I designed without crediting myself in the publication (in at least two cases directly referring to my system in the paper).

Since the publications wouldn't be possible without the systems I developed would I have any remit to ask for credit and/or authorship? How is this viewed any different from a co-worker using someone's lab results without credit for their own publication?


As per the comments on your question, I think this is really context specific and the role of an author can vary quite subtly from area to area. I'll try give a general answer to the general question first, and then look at the specfics of your case afterwards.

How to handle not being credited for research software development in papers?

The first question is whether or not you should be credited for the software you developed in the paper. The answer is predicated on what precisely the contribution of the paper is and what the contribution of the software is.

If, for example, (part of) the core contribution of the paper is describing optimisations and techniques that you invented and applied in the software, then I think it is more than fair that you should be credited as a co-author.

If, for example, the core contribution relates to a methodology for doing X where your software was specifically designed for that methodology, then you should probably be credited as a co-author or, at the very least, mentioned in the acknowledgements.

If the core contribution of the paper is not directly related to the software itself but the software is used to some ends, then you should probably not be credited on the paper (otherwise Linus Torvalds would have millions of publications). But if the software system was described in another paper and played a significant/specialised role in the current paper, you could expect a citation.

Since the publications wouldn't be possible without the systems I developed would I have any remit to ask for credit and/or authorship?

I think your reasoning is a little flawed here. Making a research paper possible does not entitle you to co-authorship (as a simple counter-example, if paper A builds upon the results of paper B such that paper A would not be possible without paper B, the authors of paper B should not expect co-authorship on paper A). Providing part of the core contribution of the paper—the reason why it was accepted in the first place—entitles you to co-authorship.

I noticed something crucial in your comments that you didn't clarify in your question:

"Since xxxx our system has collated data on x cases and found that.."

The authors should absolutely not be claiming credit for a system they did not design or build. This is clearly wrong. (And it also indirectly suggests that part of the contribution is indeed the system and the authors are trying to claim credit for it.)

Since you know the authors, you should talk with them, show them the relevant quotes in the papers and tell them that you are not happy with them claiming the system as their own. Tell them that if they wish to continue claiming the system in future then you should be a co-author on the paper.

If you wish to escalate, you can contact the editor(s) of the journal(s) involved and tell them your story. The editor(s) might agree to let you publish a letter referring to the specific paper and outlining your case. This should be considered the "nuclear" option.

EDIT: Not in answer to the question, but this quote in the transcript of Hamming's address "You and Your Research" (well worth a read for anyone in research) reminded me of this question:

I also did a second thing. When I loaned what little programming power we had to help in the early days of computing, I said, "We are not getting the recognition for our programmers that they deserve. When you publish a paper you will thank that programmer or you aren't getting any more help from me. That programmer is going to be thanked by name; she's worked hard." I waited a couple of years. I then went through a year of BSTJ articles and counted what fraction thanked some programmer. I took it into the boss and said, "That's the central role computing is playing in Bell Labs; if the BSTJ is important, that's how important computing is." He had to give in.

human biology - The genetic and physiological origins of laughter?

This Wikipedia article defines laughter in many terms, such as...

"a visual expression of happiness, or an inward feeling of joy"


"a part of human behavior regulated by the brain, helping humans clarify their intentions in social interaction and providing an emotional context to conversations".

Note: the emphasis was added by myself.

The article also states that laughter is "probably genetic", and that

"Scientists have noted the similarity in forms of laughter induced by tickling among various primates, which suggests that laughter derives from a common origin among primate species."

According to this report which the Wikipedia referenced, the expression of laughter in general is present among other great apes. Phylogenetic trees were reconstructed to represent the evolution of this trait among primates (which concludes that the ability to laugh must have a genetic basis, at least to some degree).

Note: I also found this WikiAnswers post, but it clearly can't be that reliable.

A search on the OMIM database yielded this result, where children with Angelman syndrome were characterized with "excessive laughter", this result, in which Charles Bonnet syndrome was characterized with "inappropriate laughter", as well as many other genetic mutations which resulted in some sort of uncontrollable laughter.

I understand that laughter is a complex psychological expression of emotion likely associated with more abstract thought, and that there simply can't be "a laughter gene", but my question is:

Is there any known genetic or physiological origin of laughter? What is biologically different in great apes which allows for laughter, in comparison with a panoply of other animals? I'm looking for more of a molecular answer rather than an ecological or psychological one.

genetics - Mendelian dominant trait involved with Hypodontia

If the absence of teeth is a dominant trait, then why is it not seen in generations? My teacher taught that absence of teeth is a mendelian dominant trait, but why don't we see this trait if it is dominant?

Saturday 28 December 2019

species identification - What are these (eggs?) ? ( Location - India )

enter image description here

The picture can be zoomed in on clicking


There are 24 of them, each ovoid, 1mm long and attached to the switch's frame by suction cups connected by tubes. They are secured to the base and couldn't be brushed off with a stick. Found them in East of India.


The ovoid heads have reduced in number (17) and have turned brownish (10.04.2017). The number of ovoid heads are 11 now and two of them have a black spot at the proximal end (could be the eye spots of developing embryos) (13.04.2017). The bunch has 4 of them now (24.04.2017).

Research & Question:

Assuming those are eggs (resemble those of Green lacewing and with the changes observed it is evident), what group of arthropods have such stalked eggs other than Green lacewing?


The group of insects called Neuropterans have several species that lay eggs on stalks. This group includes lacewings, owlflies and antlions, however stalked eggs are not a defining trait of the group. In addition to the Green lacewing, the Blue-eyed lacewing from Australia lays stalked eggs while owlflies do not. Mantidflies also have stalked eggs which are members of the Neuroptera order, but the stalks are relatively short compared to lacewings.

This thread provides some interesting discussion.

P.S. While not an arthropod, at least one Genus of Molluscs (Nucella), lay stalked eggs too.

These are certainly eggs from this order (Neuroptera). Incubation time for these type of eggs can be anywhere from 2-7 days so you may already be having hatching if there are less eggs than what was initially there.

advisor - What do potential postdoc advisers seek in research statement letters?

I am putting together my application for a postdoctoral position in theoretical condensed matter physics. The position is not a fellowship and is a regular postdoc position. If you have gone through the process of applying for such positions a number of times, or, even better, if you have reviewed such research statement letters, what are the main points that are sought/you seek in such letters? Specifically, should I put more emphasize on my PhD research to demonstrate my "depth of knowledge" on projects I have worked on (past research), or dwell more on things that I want/am capable to do (future research)?


Some of this depends a lot on field and laboratory, and I don't know the customs of physics. As somebody who has dealt with this question in both biology and computer science, however, let me give you some thoughts:

Since you aren't aiming for a fellowship, you're probably going to be supported by a funded project of some sort. That means the PI you'd be working for promised their funders they would get somebody do a postdoc-sized piece of work on Topic X. Their biggest concern is thus likely to be whether you are the person who can do that. Accordingly, when I'm thinking about postdocs, the properties I'm looking for are:

  1. Flexibility enough to shift from their Ph.D. topic to the topic of the project, which is pretty much guaranteed to be different.

  2. Autonomy, creativity, and maturity enough to tackle their part of the project without much hand-holding.

  3. Productivity and responsibility enough to deliver research progress at regular intervals.

Formulate your letter accordingly, showing what you have accomplished, that you are capable of formulating a research vision, and that you have interests outside of your research vision. The goal is not to sell yourself, but to be interesting enough that it's worth the PIs time to talk to you in person, which is where the real decision will be made.

In fact, however, you are best served if you can skip the letter entirely and approach potential PIs in person at conferences or other meetings. Get introductions from your advisor if you can. Practice your elevator pitch (explaining what you'd put in a letter in just three spoken sentences). Speaking as a PI, a whole lot of postdoc jobs ultimately originated by PIs talking at a meeting and one of them saying, "I've got this great student who's graduating, and I'll bet they'd fit well in your lab..." or the other saying, "I've got this grant starting next year and there's a gap I need to fill..."

authorship - What email to use for corresponding author on publications when institution is not permanent?

What is the best email to use as corresponding author when publishing academic papers as a graduate student, postdoc, pre-tenured faculty or other potentially non-permanent position where your email address may change in the next few years? I know many academic institutions will let you turn your email address into a forwarding address, but in cases where this is not possible and your email address will cease to exist when/if you leave, what is the solution? Using something like a gmail address seems practical but rather unprofessional--or is it?


It has become quite obvious by now that most researchers are on precarious employment for an extended period of time when starting their career.

As mentioned by Michael and Mark, it is very common to find gmail email addresses in scientific publications. I believe that nobody would find that objectionable.

Tips, anyway:

  1. Do not use party.dinosaur@gmail.com but a variation on firstname.lastname@gmail.com.

  2. The issue of perenniality remains: GMail deletes inactive accounts after some time. Check their tools to address this issue: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/3036546?hl=en

  3. Self-hosted email (i.e. firstname@lastname.tld) is also subject to cancellation if you don't renew your domain/email host.

  4. If you maintain a web presence, your email will be easily findable in the future.

As a kind of "non-requested bonus", I would advise to register an ORCID and have your paper include it (most publishers will include it by now). The ORCID is a unique permanent researcher ID, see their website. On your profile, you can have a list of all your publications and also of your web page. You can include several URLs, meaning that you can list your current institution homepage, your personal hosted homepage, your google scholar account, etc. The ORCID page will be permanent, easily findable and you can update it.

EDIT: you can also list an email (at your preference) on your ORCID profile.

Friday 27 December 2019

ethics - Should I request a letter of recommendation from current employers that don't want me to leave?

Let me explain in more detail... I currently occupy a fixed-term temporary faculty position that is set to expire at the end of this academic year. The position I have now will go up for a national search for a tenure-track appointment starting next academic year.

My current department head and Dean both have repeatedly expressed their desire that I apply for the tenure-track position and I intend to. However, there's no guarantee that I'll keep this position and I want to be employed next Fall. I have found another position that would be a good fit in case my current position goes to someone else (a very real possibility as my field has many qualified applicants and few jobs) and as part of their application they want current letters of recommendation.

I know my department head and Dean both would recommend me highly, but I see a potential conflict of interest. I'm also unsure if asking them for recommendations could be perceived as a slight and I don't want to burn any bridges at my current position because keeping it would be my first choice.

Another complicating factor is that this is my first university position and all other potential references either worked with me as a student or professional colleague in a non-academic capacity.

Any advice on the best course of action to take in my position?


Without further information, I would assume the department head and dean will behave ethically and ignore the conflict of interest. They should understand you want to hedge against losing the competition for the tenure track position. Therefore you could use them as references.

molecular biology - Evolution of endosymbionts?

Mitochondria and plastids in eukaryotes evolved through a process of endosymbiosis. How does an event like a eukaryote engulfing a bacteria, become a part of the genome? Some of these primitive eukaryotes could have been more predisposed to more vigorous endocytosis as a result of their DNA, but how could the physical event account for evolution of organelles?

immunology - Why can blood group O be given to all blood groups?

The blood of persons of blood group O contains antibodies against antigens A and B. The red blood cells of persons of blood group A have A antigen on their surface. If someone with blood group A receives blood from a donor of group O, then anti-A antibodies in the donor blood should attack the A antigens on the recipient's red cells. Shouldn’t this be a problem?

computer science - Textbook has two different versions, which to use?

I've recently enrolled in an Introduction to Computer Science II course in which the professor allowed me to skip the prerequisites.The problem is, I don't have the textbook from the previous course, Java How to Program 10th Edition Late Objects - Deitel & Deitel. The course and the one before it both encompass the same book, so I would like to catch up before the course starts.

While browsing on online stores, this led me to two different books, the 'Global Edition', and the US edition. Seeing that the Global Edition was half the price of the US version and I was on a budget, I thought it was a steal. There are many choices online with international editions at around $60 and the US at $150.

Why would the global textbook be lower than half the price than the US edition? What's the difference? I've read around that there is not much of a difference except for the cover, but why would that call for such a lowered price? The US book comes with access codes and other features, will the Global also come with those exact features?


Often if not almost always, "International Editions" (the monicker I know them under) are copies of expensive text books printed in emerging market countries (often India), whose legality I question...at least they are not licensed by the publisher for all I know. Someone here might have more substantial comments on the legal aspect - in fact, StrongBad does in his answer to an earlier question.

From the one I bought before understanding this, I would, in the future, stay away from them for their quality alone. I kept noticing that there were seeming errors where the text diverged in most cases from a supporting graphic; and there were graphics on almost every page. I carefully made a list of errata for the first 100 pages, and submitted them to the author. He was kind enough to reply fast, expressing that he was puzzled: none seemed to be true. I eventually figured out that the graphics and text of my book were from different editions of the original book...my version is essentially useless.

Thursday 26 December 2019

academic history - How was funding handled in the medieval university?

How was funding of research done in the medieval universities?


Your question is based on a wrong premise: There was no funding specifically for research, because there was no research at medieval universities. Initially, they were created as "self-help" groups of students wishing to learn, first and foremost, the practice of law that was becoming more and more important to urban life. For this purpose, they banded together to pay teachers. (You can find detailed accounts of this in the Wikipedia page or the answers to this question on History.SE). This quickly included also canon law, which brought increasingly many theologians to teach at universities (who, as Stephan Kolassa points out in his comment, did make many significant contributions to the knowledge of the time).

As Darrin Thomas points out, the first research in the modern sense (that cannot be described as doing philosophy) was carried out in the Renaissance by individuals not affiliated with any institution of learning, who were funded either through private means (inheritances, church postings that left them ample free time) or patronage -- in particular, by dedicating self-published monographs to various members of nobility. These later organized themselves outside of the universities in learned societies such as the Royal Society (founded in 1660, but the first seems to be the Sodalitas Litterarum Vistulana, founded in 1488 in Cracow). These initially received no funding (apart from the wealth of their members; for example, Robert Hooke, who built many of the experiments for the Society, became very rich by his involvement in the rebuilding of London after the Great Fire), but later received (modest) grants from the government (hence the name, Royal Society). The role of the universities (as opposed to individual researchers, which might or might not hold posts at one) was seen as that of disseminating the new knowledge.

The idea of universities as a place where research should be done (i.e., professors being hired and paid specifically for their research in addition to teaching, rather than research just being what a good teacher did on their own) is a modern one, arising in the beginning of the 19th century with the foundation of the German universities based on Alexander von Humboldt's ideal (which also strongly influenced the new American universities). To quote:

Just as primary instruction makes the teacher possible, so he renders himself dispensable through schooling at the secondary level. The university teacher is thus no longer a teacher and the student is no longer a pupil. Instead the student conducts research on his own behalf and the professor supervises his research and supports him in it.

Much like modern universities, they were funded by the state: A portion of the tax money was distributed among the universities, which distributed their portion among the departments, which distributed their portion among the professors to pay for their salary and any staff or resources they might require for their research. (Needless to say, there was heavy fighting at all levels about how the money was distributed.)

Funding of specific research via grants is an introduction of the 20th century, when technical and scientific innovation increasingly required expensive equipment. Initially, this was done by corporations and private industrialists, but World War II lead to increasing government support of science and technology. This lead to the creation of national funding agencies after the war. (For example, the NSF was founded in 1950, although the German DFG, founded in 1949, actually has their root in the "Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft" founded in 1920.)

publications - PhD by published work

I have developed a logic and consistent body of research of 8 papers about a research topic. I've heard I can do a PhD by published work. It is just compiling the papers and writing the scope and importance of the papers in 5000-10000 words, then the viva.

I know universities in the UK where I can do this, but they charge like 5000 GBP for the submission.

Do you know other universities in other countries that charge less? I am thinking of norway, finland, germany, as they seem to have low tuition fees. However, I am willing to consider any country in Europe. I am living in Portugal, so I would need to submit my thesis online, and travel to the university for the viva

Any help appreciated, Thanks,

writing - Is it mandatory to include the registered trademark symbol ® next to the name of a computer program?

Suppose you write a paper and you use Wolfram Mathematica to do calculations. In the article, should the program be mentioned with the registered-trademark symbol immediately following the name and in superscript style, i.e., as follows?

Wolfram Mathematica®


Formally, yes, registered names should have the appropriate symbol listed (usually a superscript "R" or "TM"). However, in common usage, such trademarks are often neglected. In most cases, it's easiest just to follow the journal's recommended guidelines for how to handle such cases. You may just need to indicate the trademark symbol, and the journal will do the work of supplying the correct formatting for you.

etiquette - Should I quit a project where I can't see how to contribute?

I am part of a collaboration (i.e., researchers from different universities, not formally tied to a grant or deadline). We all met for a few days to develop an idea, and it seems quite promising. However, I did not feel like I contributed much, and since the project is a bit outside my expertise, I am not sure how much more I can even contribute. (Of course, I can learn from them, but I am not convinced that that is a good enough reason to be apart of the project.)

Should I quit the collaboration, so as not to "get in the way" of the others? Or is it worth staying on, even if my main contributions are high-level (e.g., organizing shared files, adding code descriptions, sending "check-in" e-mails, etc.)?

EDIT: Some people have linked me to my own question, which I think is different in nature; here I am asking about how to handle the dynamics within a particular collaboration. Perhaps the underlying question is really, are high-level contributions worthwhile? Also, I have spoken with the collaborators, and they are fine with me on the project, but I wonder if they are just being nice or political. So maybe there's imposter syndrome involved as well.


I am part of a collaboration [that] met for a few days to develop an idea, and it seems quite promising. However, I did not feel like I contributed much, and since the project is a bit outside my expertise, I am not sure how much more I can even contribute...Should I quit the collaboration, so as not to "get in the way" of the others? Or is it worth staying on, even if my main contributions are high-level (e.g., organizing shared files, adding code descriptions, sending "check-in" e-mails, etc.)?

You could share your concerns with your collaborators and ask them whether they want you to continue collaborating. You might discover you've already contributed more than you've realised. Regardless, you'll be making it clear what you can offer moving forwards.

biochemistry - Is water released when a phosphodiester bond is made between two nucleotides during DNA replication?

I know that when two sugar molecules (like glucose) connect to each other, H2O is released because of the -OH and -H groups in both of the molecules. I want to know if the same thing happens when two nucleotides connect to each other during DNA replication.


yes there is no water release during phosphodiester linkages because the 3'OH of the growing daughter strand exerts a nucleophilic attack on the phosphodiester linkage between the alpha phosphate with the beta & gamma phoshate of the deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate.

During such formation there is no hydrolysis rather it would precisely be a transesterification type of organic reaction.

REFERENCES:TEXT BOOK OF BIOCHEMISTRY(T.M. DEVLIN) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transesterification

Wednesday 25 December 2019

Confusion regarding photosynthesis and respiration in plants

During 24 hours there is a time in i.e. twilight when plants neither give oxygen nor carbon dioxide why is it so?

This also suggests that neither of the two vital processes i.e. respiration or photosynthesis is being carried out.

Well, during twilight there is not enough sunlight so photosynthesis may slow down or even cease but what about respiration?


You haven't directed us to any evidence for your assertion, so it is difficult to evaluate.

I'm not a plant physiologist, so I will argue from first principles:

photosynthesis consumes CO2 and produces O2:

6CO2 +6H2O -> C6H12O6 + 6O2

respiration consumes O2 and produces CO2:

C6H12O6 + 6O2 -> 6CO2 +6H2O

Plants do both of these things at the same time for at least part of the day. During the day, in a growing plant, photosynthesis will exceed respiration: a lot of the fixed carbon is fed into anabolic processes to produce "plant stuff"; polysaccharides, proteins, nucleic acids. This means that the plant will be a net producer of O2 and a net consumer of CO2. At night there is, of course, no photosynthesis and respiration will dominate and the plant will be a net producer of CO2 and a net consumer of O2.

At certain times of the day, twilight for example, there will be a transition between these two states, and the plant will pass through a state where there will be no net flux in either of the gases.

evolution - Inbreeding Coefficient and Coefficient of Relationship

Wikipedia gives the following formula to calculate a "path of coefficient of relationship" between an ancestor $A$ and an offspring $O$:

$$\rho_{AO} = 2^{-n} \left( \frac{1+f_A}{1+f_O} \right)^{1/2} = \left( \frac{1}{2}\right)^n \sqrt { \frac{1+f_A}{1+f_O}}$$

, where $f_A$ and $f_O$ are the coefficient of inbreeding of the ancestor and the offspring respectively.


Where does the term $\sqrt { \frac{1+f_A}{1+f_O}}$ comes from? Please explain why this multiplicative term is $\sqrt { \frac{1+f_A}{1+f_O}}$ and not something different such as $\frac{f_A f_O}{2}$ for example.

evolution - What was the evolutionary reason for cross lateralization of the brain?

In the human brain the right hemisphere controls the left side of the body and the left hemisphere controls the right side of the body. What led to this development? Why doesn't the left side of the brain control the left side and vice-versa?


The theory developed by Cajal more than a hundred years ago hasn't been challenged, according to a recent article in Molecular Neuroscience. Making it simple:

  1. At a certain point in the phylogeny, decussation is favored for the optical pathways. Since the images are inverted on the retina, the crossing is necessary in order to build a coherent and continuous image on the cortex.

  2. Decussation of the motor pathways appears next, and it is supposed to make the flight response more efficient. If a danger is perceived visually at the left hand side of one's body, it is processed in the right hemisphere and the motor signal is sent to the left hand side muscles, which are the one that can propel the body to the right, thus escaping the danger. The efficiency resides in that the interpretation of the danger and the signal for the reaction happen in the same hemisphere.

graduate admissions - What does "research activities" mean?

When a graduate/fellowship application asks about research activities, am I allowed to talk about expository pieces that I have written? For example, one semester I read a highly influential and important paper in my field. I then wrote a significant length expository piece based on it. Would this be considered a research activity? Or does this imply that it has to be original research? I looked everywhere through the application guidelines for the explicit definition of "research activity" but I couldn't seem to find it anywhere.


Writing an expository piece is not a research activity. Research activity in general refers to original research with things like systematic reviews and meta analysis falling into a gray area.

research process - How to ask other researchers to share their datasets?

For my Computer Science Master Thesis Research I need some large pre-processed datasets.

I know the names of researchers who have those sets (or at least can point me to the source).

My question is: do you have tips on how to approach those researchers to increase the chance of success to share data? What to do absolutely not?


phd - Differences among Doctoral Degrees/titles

I have two colleagues who hold doctoral degrees. They are moving to the US within the next couple months. Both of their doctoral diplomas, one from Europe and the other from South America, literally say: "Doctor of Engineering".

We were discussing about this situation and, although they are doctors, I don't know if it would be "legal" for them to use the PhD letters at the end of their names or if D.Eng would be the adequate choice. So far, they have not been asked to do any kind of nostrification process.

Are there any legal, formal or professional implications associated to this or is it just a matter of putting a set of letter at the end of your name?

productivity - Ways to manage something like a 'work-life balance'?

According to a recent international study on work-life balance within academia

"a majority of researchers and scientists had conflicts between their work schedules and personal lives at least two to three times a week."


"about 60 percent of scientists were happy with their work-life balance. The rates for women were lower, at 52 percent."

I wonder what differentiates these 60 percent 'happy people' from the remaining 40 percent. What do you think are good strategies for a healthy work-life balance? How do you balance your academic work/life with your personal life?

undergraduate - How can I get the rights to my final year project?

I live in the UK, study Computing and I'm about to start my final year. I have been told by friends that the University holds the right to my final year project. Is there a way of getting the rights and intellectual property of my final year project?


The first question is why you want the rights. For example, if you are working on something with serious commercial applications and hope to start a company or sell the technology, then this is a very serious issue. The first step is hiring a lawyer, who can advise you on precisely which rights you and the university currently hold, and who can help you negotiate with the university regarding commercialization.

On the other hand, most student projects are of no commercial value. If you just want to display your work online (to help build a portfolio for job applications and in case this work is useful for someone else), then it's probably easier. It may depend on the university, but presumably they don't want to limit the dissemination of student projects, so if you ask them I bet they'll grant permission. You should think about exactly what you want to provide and under what sort of license (for example, if you put code on the web, nobody's allowed to use it unless you license that). I imagine the university would be happy with some sort of Creative Commons license.

I'd recommend being very clear and straightforward when asking, to avoid raising suspicions that you are trying to trick them into giving up the rights to valuable technology.

peer review - What are some examples of negative effects on a career for boycotting Elsevier journals?

I fully support the Elsevier boycott, and came from mathematics (BS and MS) into my current PhD program in an engineering subdiscipline. I'm finishing up my PhD now and starting a post-doc soon.

I've already refused to review an article a few years ago for an Elsevier journal, and the editor seemed quite angry about it.

Once again I have been asked to review an article for an Elsevier journal, only this time the journal editorial board has a prominent researcher who I have had personal contact with, is a recently retired Emeritus Professor from my department, and if he became angry about my refusal he could potentially harm my career.

Does anyone have any specific examples of, or even better statistical data showing that boycotts of Elsevier journals had negative career impacts on early career/junior scientists?

Can a PhD thesis be confidential?

A colleague of mine had an excellent PhD project and she published good papers during her PhD. When I asked her to give me her PhD thesis, she told me she can't because her PhD project was confidential (commercial, military, ...).

I wonder if a PhD thesis can be confidential? Isn't it available in her university library?

Can a funding organization set this limitation for the data included in a PhD thesis?

Anyway, what if her future employer asks for her PhD thesis?

Tuesday 24 December 2019

neuroscience - Can parts of a human brain be asleep independently of each other, or vary in the times required for them to fall asleep?

I know that some birds and marine animals can continue complicated activity (swimming, flying?) while one hemisphere of their brain is asleep.

I'm interested if human brain has some parts of it that can be asleep while others are awake? In other words, can a human brain be only partially asleep while experiencing insomnia or similar sleep disturbances?

If human brain can have different parts "sleeping" independently of each other, is it possible that the times to "fall asleep" vary between these different parts of the brain?

I would appreciate research articles on the topic or just the names of brain regions that may exhibit behavior described above.

Update: I've taken a look at R&K "principles and practice of sleep medicine"' and it mentions the following parts as involved in sleep:

Medulla, preoptic area, hypothalamus, thalamus, entire neocortex involved in NREM.

Neurotransmitter systems: histaminergic, orexinergic, serotonergic, noradrinergic

Sleep factors: adenosine, interleukin-1 and other cytokines, prostaglandin D2, growth hormone releasing hormone, nitric oxide, all promote sleep in or around preoptic area.

This makes me hypothesize that drugs that modify the effects of these systems (ex- caffeine affecting adenosine) could result in sleep- related disturbances in these systems, potentially causing them to fall asleep later that usual. But I'm looking for more info to fihre out if this is true


Reading K&R "Principles and practice of sleep medicine" 4th edition, on page 15, under sleep onset I've noticed the following paragraph:

Is "falling asleep" a unitary event? Our observations suggest that it is not. Different functions, such as sensory awareness, memory, self-consciousness, continuity of logical thought, latency of response to a stimulus and alterations in the pattern of brain potentials all go in parallel in a general way, but there are exceptions to every rule.

The book continues to mention that it is possible to drift in and out of sleep for a few seconds.

I've became aware of experiments on split brain patients (severed corpus colossum) which revealed that two brain hemispheres have their own conscious awareness. Some experiments even paralyzed one hemisphere to see how the other one responds. As such, it appears that a human can function with only one hemisphere active at a time.

How to add citation for a whole paragraph?

If I write a report and a whole paragraph is based on one source but not cited verbally it seems unnecessary to include the reference after every sentence:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua (source 1). Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat (source 1).

Now I found a Phd thesis that puts the reference after the last dot of the paragraph to indicate that it is based on this very source:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. (source 1)

Is this a common practice? Is it generally understood? What are other ways to add the reference for a whole paragraph?

Monday 23 December 2019

publications - How long should it take to read a paper?

I am wondering how long it usually takes to read a research article. I can see that the answer depends on:

  • The knowledge and intelligence of the reader

  • The field of research

  • The journal

  • The individual paper

So I am particularly interested in how long a PhD student or a young post-doc would take to get through a molecular or systems biology paper published in journals like Nature, Science, Cell, PLoS and PNAS. We can focus on papers of typical complexity for the journal, and ignore those that are exceptionally easy to read or exceptionally complex.

On multiple occasions I have been able to skim an 8 page, 5 figure paper in as little as 10-15 minutes. From this I could glean enough information to follow and even participate in a class or journal club discussion (though there would be a lot of asking question like "how exactly did they do this/explain this in the paper? I didn't read very carefully").

However, when a paper is very important (for example I want to use a variation of their methods for my own project) I feel the need to read it much more carefully. It seems worthwhile to closely look at even very trivial things, such as description of standard procedures like cell culture in the methods, exactly how much of each chemical was used for simple, routine reactions, close examination of control experiments from the supplement, what papers the paper has referenced to justify their work, and even what commercial systems were used and from which company, and whether the paper actually followed the protocol in the manual and so on. After putting this much effort, I also feel like I should take notes. This produces a heavily highlighted and annotated paper plus about 4 pages of notes.

All of this takes a lot of time. Occasionally it could take me a few days to work my way through a very important paper (for instance, if their method is unfamiliar to me and I will be adapting it for my own research, or if I want to draw conclusions by reanalyzing their data).

My question is, is this typical? How long do you usually take to read a paper? Should I start putting effort into teaching myself to read faster, or should I just accept it and make time by scheduling other activities to accomodate paper reading?

I can imagine an "incremental" strategy for reading at arbitrary depth. For instance, you could read the paper several times, each time reading more carefully, like so:

  1. Read only the title, parts of the abstract, and look at the pictures.

  2. Read abstract more carefully, look at title headingfs of results section.

  3. Quickly skim the results section to look for main point of the paper.

  4. Scan introduction and discussion, read results carefully to understand obvious limitations of their conclusions.

  5. Carefully read all sections, including methodology, to make a comprehensive list of all assumptions made and all potential issues with the research.

  6. Carefully go through all supplements, look at raw data if any and consult the other papers cited as justification to contextualize the research.

Logically, I see the merit of something like this, but I haven't tried it for the "dense" readings I've talked about above. The reason is that I'm not sure how I can take notes effectively when I do something like the above. It may also be harder to motivate myself to re-read a paper I've already skimmed, because I've given away the punchline to myself and the novelty factor is gone.

I've also written an answer on Mathematics@SE, which I think might be relevant to this question.

Note that I am not asking how to read a paper. This has been addressed in several previous questions already. I am only asking how long it should take a typical junior scientist to read one, so I can benchmark myself and see if I am slower or faster than is usual.

food - Meat and mushroom allergies, why are they so rare?

There are a lot of food allergies, but for some reason not to meat (mammalian meat or poultry) or mushrooms. I've googled a bit, and now I know that one can actually have a meat or mushroom allergy, although the odds of that are very-very small. Why is it so?

Is it because both meat and mushrooms are usually cooked and that kills potential allergens? What about undercooked or raw food like portobellos or carpaccio and steaks? Or is it because animal tissues are so similar to ours and so are better digested? What about mushrooms then? Is it something else?

Also, are there any data of what types of meat and mushrooms are most allergic?

peer review - How to show interest to serve as a TPC or reviewer in top conferences?

My Questions: How can I express interest to receive invitation to serve as a reviewer in a top ranked conference? Currently I am registered with the conference review system (i.e., EDAS) and I receive review invitations from ordinary conferences, but I consider review in high quality conferences. Is there any feasible way to express interest and show that I have technical expertise to judge papers in a particular area. I know that having certain academic qualification (like master and more commonly PhD) and research experience is must to become nominated in top conferences.

Background: Researchers more or less receive invitations to serve as reviewer of a journal or conference. I guess the process in journals to identify reviewers is one of three main channels

  1. Author suggests potential reviewer

  2. Reviewer's profile is in the review system from previous submission

  3. Reviewers can express interest to become reviewer in journals (Some journals have link to register).

and there should be other ways to feed information into the journal review system (that I might have missed).

However, in conferences, it is slightly different because

  1. normally there is no registration link to express interest (I have not seen),

  2. usually there is no option that authors nominate reviewers while submitting a paper to conference (at least I have not experienced the same).

the only way left compared to journal is that reviewer registers with the conference review system for paper submission. So in future, when organizing committee is selecting TPCs and reviewers, they can invite already-registered members to play as reviewers.


I can only answer for computer science, but around here TPCs of conferences are generally by-invitation only. You cannot (officially) apply for it per se - typically, the organizers will form the TPC based mainly on previous members, filling any openings with outstanding members of the community not currently part of the TPC. Usually, these outstanding people are personally known to the organizing committee, so no formal search or something like that is conducted.

Of course, writing to the organizers expressing interest cannot hurt, but my impression is that if you do not already know them, your request is sadly likely to be ignored.


I should add that I did not mean to imply that it is all just a matter of "knowing somebody". Seeing that you are still a PhD student, you will likely simply not be high-profile enough at this point to be considered for the TPC of a really good conference (these usually only consist of eminent faculty).

Professor dismissed error I found in her work. I need more feedback, but the field is small

Background / My problem:

I believe to have found a substantial error in my professor's original research. After getting answers to my previous question, I emailed her about it, but she was dismissive. Of course, I could be wrong and it is very possible that I am. My professor seemed not interested at all to talk to me though, so I cannot discuss this with her further.

It is not a factual error, but an error that concerns the logic of her argument. To simplify, I think that she says that both P & -P. This is not obvious at first, and it becomes apparent only after some entangling of her whole argument.

The field is small:

Now, I do not personally know anyone who is interested this field. The field is very small and I can assume that pretty much everyone knows my professor and that my professor knows pretty much everyone too and that they talk.

What do I do now? / How do I get feedback?

Ideally I would like to get feedback from other experts. Maybe I am wrong. I am happy to be wrong, but I need to understand why. I could maybe email them, but I am not sure how responsive they would be.

Also, I am worried now that if I ask other people to have a look, my professor will hear of that. She will then know that I did not take her dismissal seriously, and am working on a paper. How would I go about this? I am worried to look like a backstabber, esp. if I email other people and say "Look, I believe I have found an error in Professor XXXX work" after my professor already told me it is not an error. If I do something like this, I would also be especially worried that should I be wrong, all of this will be very embarrassing for me.

PS: This concerns original research, not a textbook. I am in the Humanities. Please give me a chance, even if you believe that I am probably wrong,

human biology - Is it biologically possible for an adult's eye color to change?

Can it be that the adult eye can change color? Specifically my question is about a unilateral color change, such that the color of one eye remains constant, while the other changes color over time. Can this happen? Or can it be related to light-scattering, or an illusion of some sort?

human biology - Does every nerve ending send information to the brain separately?

Does every nerve ending send information to the brain separately? Is there a nerve path (I don't know their scientific name) from every nerve ending to the brain; or are they sent to brain from the same paths in the dorsal root ganglion? If not, how can we determine the (almost) exact location of pain in our hand?

I am not very familiar with the biology except the lessons I had taken in the high school. So please try to use daily language explaining this.

evolution - Fisher's Geometric Model for Dummies

Fisher's geometric model is still today one of the most important and fundamental model in evolutionary biology but it seems to me that most student in evolutionary biology don't really understand it (and I am one of these students). Such standard models are often found on wikipedia but in this case the wikipedia article (here) offers nothing more than a simple analogy.

According to Orr 2005:

Fisher's geometric model shows that the probability $P_a(x)$ that a random mutation of a given phenotypic size, $r$, is favorable is $1-\Phi(x)$, where $\Phi$ is the cumulative distribution function of a standard normal random variable is a standardized mutational size, $x=r\frac{\sqrt{n}}{2z}$, where $n$ is the number of characters and $z$ the distance to the optimum.

Can you please explain what the Fisher's geometric model and the math behind it (how are these functions calculated)?


Fishers Geometric Model (FGM) is a theoretical prediction about the adaptation process in traits. There are a number of things to establish before attempting comprehend FGM. Firstly, shifts in an adaptive landscape, in natural scenarios, are generally quite small. Because populations have been evolving for such a long time and the small shifts in adaptive peaks it means that most populations should be near or on a local fitness optimum within the relevant landscape. The adaptive landscape comes from S. Wright, discussed in the Orr paper, where he spoke of a field of possible gene combinations" each with a fitness value, some combinations are fitter than others. Adaptive peaks represent the fittest combinations of all traits.

We can picture all of this using a single trait:

enter image description here

Here there is a local optimum (which is also global, Fisher assumed that adaptive landscapes are less rugged than Sewall Wright and had only one optimum) for the trait. The population starts at point A (the red ball), just off the adaptive peak for the initial fitness distribution (blue trace). Then selection alters (red trace), initiating a new bout of adaptation, making the population (green ball) further from the optimum.

enter image description here

From here lets imagine this is two seperate populations, the green population (A) wants to move along the red line to the highest point, the red population (B) along the blue line also for its own optimum.

If a mutation which has a very small effect arises then there is 50% probability in both populations that it will improve fitness (assuming no neutral mutation) because it will either be recessive or deleterious. This value is shown in box 2 figure 1 of the Orr paper.

enter image description here

Now if a large effect mutation was to arise in then there is less chance of it being beneficial for population B than for population A, this is because B is closer to its phenotypic optimum so a large effect mutation is likely to "overshoot" the optimum. (The black line illustrates where either population would end up after a large effect mutation in the direction of the adaptive peak). You can see this mutation would put population A very close to its peak (the red line) and population B would have a reduced fitness. This is summed up nicely in the opening to the Orr paper.

"Precise adaptation is possible only if organisms can come to fit their environments by many minute adjustments"

enter image description here

So, descriptively, this is why we see a reduced probability of large effect beneficial mutations as we approach an optimum; we expect most bouts of adaptation to be due to small shifts in adaptive landscape and populations to start bouts near to the former adaptive peak.

The FGM expands this out beyond one trait (or, as Kauffman and Gillespie did, the sequence - with the latter seemingly being more successful than the former). As shown in figure 1 of the Orr paper,

enter image description here

This is a highly multidimensional space, with one dimension per trait, therefore more complex organisms by definition will have more complex spaces. The centre of this sphere is the phenotypic optimum, and each layer represents and adaptive movement, or substitution of the wild type as in the Maynard-Smith adaptive walks system. The red line shows the movement made by the population through this sphere.

And now for some math. (Refer to box two in the Orr paper). $P_a (\chi)$ is the probability that a mutation (of effect size $r$) is favourable. Thinking about what I discuss above, that is, $P_a (\chi)$ is the probability that a mutation will increase fitness, which must therefore be a product of the landscape complexity (the number of characters affecting the fitness), the distance from the population to the optimum, and the size of the effect. $\chi$ is the standardized mutation size, which accounts for the distance to optima, as $z$, the number of characters affecting fitness as $n$, and the effect size $r$. This means that $\chi$ = $r \sqrt{n} /2z$: therefore an increase in the distance to the phenotypic optimum ($z$) reduces the value of $\chi$ (thus increasing the probability that a mutation has a beneficial effect), whereas increases in $r$ or $n$ will decrease the probability that the mutation is beneficial (i.e. large effect mutations and high complexity). In the context of the above example, both populations have an $n$ of 1, and the values of $z$ vary - this means population A can tolerate a larger value of $r$, or in other words, population A is more able to make adaptive substitutions because it is further from peak fitness, thus more tolerant to large effects, than population B.

Difference between $r$ and $\chi$: $r$ is the raw value of effect size of a mutation, whereas $\chi$ is the standardized effect size. Assuming equal effect sizes the relative effect of mutations will depend on the number of traits affecting fitness (see the diagrams below), thus we have to correct for this.

How does complexity affect the probability of beneficial mutations? Look at the following diagram.

enter image description here

Each point represents a possible combination of traits when we have three traits affecting fitness, each with two possible incarnations (A or a [most fit and least fit respectively]). The outer green ring has one possible occupying combination (aaa) which is the least fit - it's the furthest from the optimal combination, the red point. On the green ring the probablity of increasing fitness with a mutation is 3/3 (because there are 3 possible mutations all of which increase fitness). Note, assume all changes are equal effect. If we change one trait to the A version we can have 3 possible outcomes (Aaa, aAa, aaA) which occupy the yellow ring. From the yellow ring a further single mutation has four possible outcomes, of which 3 can increase fitness so the probability of improving fitness with a mutation is reduced (3/4). In the blue ring there is a 1/4 probability of increasing fitness. Jumping to the red point, where all traits are A, every possible mutation will reduce fitness (0/3).

enter image description here

Bearing this in mind, lets change n (the number of traits affecting fitness) from 3 to 4. The least fit starts in the red ring (aaaa), from here there is a 4/4 probability of increased fitness via mutation. From the green ring there is a 6/7 probability. From the yellow ring there is a 4/8 probability of increasing fitness, and from the blue a 1/7 chance. Compare this to when n=3, from the blue ring there was a 1/4 chance, when n=4 it is 1/7 - there are more possible combinations and still only one fittest combination

Put another way; if we consider it in terms of single point mutations in a sequence, a mutation which affects 1 trait affecting fitness (n=1) then the probability it will increase fitness is drawn from the distribution of probable fitness effects. If the point mutation affects 5 traits then the effect is drawn from the distribution 5 times, and because we assume most mutations are deleterious and beneficial ones are relatively constrained to being small, there is a greater probability of reducing fitness when n>1.

Sunday 22 December 2019

publications - PhD Student : Publish Paper with Wife?

I am a PhD student, working on Applied Math while my wife is a software engineer. I plan on going to academia after PhD and will start to job hunt soon.

A few weeks ago, I thought of an idea that hadn't been done before. I wrote a crude C++ code to implement the idea and it worked well. I believed that with my theoretical understanding of the problem and an expert coder, we could make something really impactful and incidentally, my wife knew how to. So, we spent some evenings together writing the code (she didn't know math, but I abstracted each step so she could help implement). The resulting code is fairly sophisticated and does an excellent job. I was wondering, now that I write a paper about it, would it look weird if my wife was listed as a co-author? Her contributions were definitely sufficient to warrant co-authorship by any definition.

Let's step aside the legalese of it (my advisor doesn't care and her company might but let's leave that aside). I am asking more from the standpoint of how it looks on one's CV, job application and possibly, tenure.


Nobody will notice or care, unless you share a last name with your wife, in which case the strongest reaction is likely to be, "aw how cute, a husband and wife published a paper together."

What are the archiving policies of arXiv?

In this answer it is suggested that arXiv, as its name would suggest, is archival. One of Beall's criteria is that a publisher is potentially predatory if it

Has no policies or practices for digital preservation, meaning that if the journal ceases operations, all of the content disappears from the internet.

The only thing I can find about digital preservation on the arXiv website is

arXiv submissions are meant to be available in perpetuity. Thus, arXiv has high technical standards for the files that are submitted.

While it is good that the articles are in a format which will allow access in perpetuity, the primer says nothing about what happens if arXiv ceases operations. What is the arXiv policy in regards to digital preservation?


From their FAQ:

What are CUL's preservation strategies?

Digital preservation refers to a range of managed activities to support the long-term maintenance of bitstreams. These activities ensure that digital objects are usable (intact and readable), retaining all quantities of authenticity, accuracy, and functionality deemed to be essential when articles (and other associated materials) were ingested. Formats accepted by arXiv have been selected based on their archival value (TeX/LaTeX, PDF, HTML) and the ability to process all source files is actively monitored. The underlying bits are protected by standard backup procedures at the Cornell campus. Off-site backup facilities in New York City provide geographic redundancy. The complete content is replicated at arXiv's mirror sites around the world, and additional managed tape backups are taken at Los Alamos National Laboratory. CUL has an archival repository to support preservation of critical content from institutional resources, including arXiv. We anticipate storing all arXiv documents, both in source and processed form, in this repository. There will be ongoing incremental ingest of new material. We expect that CUL will bear the preservation costs for arXiv, leveraging the archival infrastructure developed for the library system.

It looks like they're relying on a) multiple offsite mirrors; b) periodic stored backups at LANL; and c) deposit in the institutional repository at Cornell.

It's a little unclear if that deposit is actually happening yet or is still part of a long-term plan, but it's worth noting that the arXiv program director is also the librarian responsible for Cornell's digital preservation work, so it's unlikely to have been forgotten about!

etiquette - emailing contacts after applying for faculty jobs

I was talking to some colleagues at work and they strongly advised me to contact people that I know at the universities I applied and let them know that I submitted my application and have interest in joining their departments.

I thought about writing a message but I struggle on what I should ask them specifically. I don’t want to look as I am asking for a favor or being inappropriate. Any 'example' or comment on this will be very valuable.

Saturday 21 December 2019

neuroscience - How does this illusion work?

I found this image on Google+

enter image description here

If you shake your head you can see a portrait of a person. Can anyone explain how the image is constructed in the brain?


If you zoom in on the image, you can see that it is not just composed of black vertical lines, but also has pixels with different gray tones in the white areas. When you move your head sideways, you perceive the gray tones more.

If you were to remove the black lines, you could see the face clearly. Initially I thought that by blurring the gray shapes when your head moved, they became more visible as they seemed larger. On reflection though I think that actually what's happening is that the high contrast between the black lines and the mostly white background causes your perception to adjust so it doesn't easily see the mid tones. This is because we have a low dynamic range in our vision (relative to absolute brightness, but compared to camera CCDs we have a high dynamic range) - we have to adjust the light sensitivity to compensate for the overall brightness of the image. This is called brightness adaptation. There's a good free textbook for further reading about this at Utah U's Webvision.

When you move your head, the black and white lines blur together which makes the overall brightness appear to be the average brightness of the black and white. So against that background your light sensitivity increases and the areas where the pixel tone is different from the average - the gray pixels of the face - start to stand out.

By reducing the brightness you can see the faint image in the background much more clearly...

enter image description here

Friday 20 December 2019

computer science - How to handle a colleague who hasn't pulled their weight

I'm working on a project with a partner that involves developing a mobile app and corresponding server. I won't bother with the specifics, but both involve a fair amount of work (both require some custom algorithms as well as thousands of lines of code). This project will serve as a final for one of our classes.

Originally, we agreed that I would write the server and he would write the mobile application. I stayed up for a couple nights straight and got together a working server in no time. He told me he was bogged down with papers/family life/etc., but he'd handle the client side.

About two weeks went by and still no progress had been made. I had some free time so I figured out how the app needs to be written (i.e. writing out the pseudocode and sketching wireframes). When another week went by and still no work had been done, I went ahead and wrote a good deal of the client code. My partner is also my friend and I trusted him when he told me he would do his part and he was just totally bogged down.

Now the project is due on Friday and I'm still the only one who's actually done anything. I find out today that he still has yet to write a single line of code because he's so busy (but not so busy that he couldn't go to a baseball game, a concert, and spend all of Friday night getting drunk).

I'm not sure how I want to approach the situation. Even if my partner finished the project on his own, I've still done 80%. I don't think its fair if he gets an A because I killed myself to do the work of two people. At the same time, if I tell the professor how little he's done, the professor will fail him (rightly so) and I will lose a friend.

How can I get the credit I deserve for my work without losing my friend? I feel like I have the Hobson's choice between getting credit for my work and keeping a friend.

EDIT: I did choose a specific answer as my accepted answer, but all of these answers are of really good quality. If you're having a problem similar to mine, I highly suggest reading through all of the answers here.


When students come to me with problems like these, I very rarely just take the side of the active student against the "lazy" one.

If you work in a group, you're both responsible when the dynamic doesn't work. And keeping the group dynamic healthy is something every student should learn. I know how difficult it is, I've been both the lazy student and the active one.

It may feel to you like there's nothing you possibly could've done. But that's never true. You started the project by immediately splitting the work load, and reducing the level of necessary communication to a bare minimum. He took the easy half, because he was busy. When his work started to lag behind, you began to write specifications for him.

All this combined probably sapped his motivation. Every step along the way took the challenge out of his part, while he still had those thousands of lines of code to get through. Meanwhile you felt like you were doing more than your share, but you were getting things done, and things that you designed, problems you solved.

In a healthy project, you communicate and you meet often. You don't divide the workload to minimize communication, you use your shared expertise and you design together. That way, you both stay motivated, because you both feel like it's still your project.

What you're doing now is focusing on everything that he could be doing differently. That may be the fair option (cause you're doing all the work), but it's not a productive option, cause that's not a dimension you control. You should be asking yourself what you could've done differently. It may feel unfair, but it's something you can actually implement, so you'll feel a lot less powerless.

Anyway, that's a lesson for the next project. For this one, I'd say remain detached. It's not your responsibility to make sure John learns something, and you'll get the same grade either way. Talk to him, tell him you're unhappy with the way the project's gone and ask if you could've done anything differently to get him more motivated. Let him know you don't expect to be working with him on future project and you're better off as friends than as collaborators.

Just make sure you don't get angry with him. Anger might've been productive halfway down the project, but you're too late now.

Thursday 19 December 2019

citations - Is it unethical to cite a paper or book that you have never looked at?

Suppose I see that Book X is cited by several papers with reference to some particular Fact Y. I wish to cite Fact Y. As far as I know, Book X is the only reference for Fact Y.

I have never looked at Book X. Nonetheless, I cite it like this:

'Fact Y' (see Book X)

My question is: Is this ethical, given that I've never looked at Book X?

More context for my question. I am NOT asking whether this is good scientific practice. I am NOT asking how a good scientist should actually go about citing Fact Y. I am NOT asking if this could undermine your credibility as a scientist.

Instead, I am asking this question because it seems to be a somewhat-common practice. And moreover, as far as I know, no scientist has ever been issued even an official rebuke (much less fired) for engaging in such practice. This would suggest to me that this practice is not considered to be unethical.

Of course, it is not binary as to whether a practice is unethical. But I would simply like to know whether the academic community in general considers this to be even a mildly unethical practice. Or if it is perhaps very slightly unethical, but not a big deal. Or if it is not in the least bit unethical.

Wednesday 18 December 2019

eyes - Is it safe to look at infrared LEDs?

What happens if one looks directly at infrared LEDs? Sometimes I see this kind of LED at night as red dots and I'm also courious about it.

I was wondering what would happen if one looks directly to these LEDs, because we see them everywhere like in remote controls, CCTV cameras, sensors, etc.

What is the difference between infrared and visible light to our eyes? (I mean why is it impossible to look directly to visible light while we can look to infrared?)

  • LED: Light-emitting diode

Infrared LEDs


Infrared wavelengths are EM waves of longer wavelengths than visible light. Also, visible waves are more energetic than IR waves.

Because of this, Visible light has the ability to excite organic receptor molecules in our eyes called Rods and Cones. These molecules stimulate cell responses and in turn excite cell responses in our nerves called an Action Response. Still unclear to most scientists is how the brain composes these action responses into an image, though a great deal of research is being done to date.

The reason why "nothing happens" when we aim infrared lights into our eyes (which I still wouldn't suggest) is that the photoreceptor molecules that we use to see don't have the necessary bonding configuration to accept the energy from these impinging EM waves.
However, don't go thinking that nothing happens. Infrared radiation is a type of radiation that is usually a measurable heat source. IR is one of the broader parts of the EM spectrum. My point is to say, that when you "radiate" some thing with an IR source:
1) You don't know if it is also radiating other EM waves unless you know the specs.
2) You're still exciting molecules with that energy even if it isn't causing a seen effect. I highly doubt anything will happen unless you have a very high powered IR source. You shouldn't really ever focus high power lasers of any source onto your body, because higher intensities could inflict damage.

To Learn more about IR radiation:

IR (InfraRed)
EM (ElectroMagnetic)

phd - The nightmare of being an independent researcher

My current situation is that I am stuck teaching in a couple of universities that do not support the research at all in my country of origin. I am 38 years old and I have finished a MSc degree in Europe (one year ago), but I find it pretty hard to get a funded PhD position until now.

Sometimes I really feel discouraged and depressed because I really like to do research, but is pretty hard to do it without economical support; and more difficult to share ideas if my current place of work has that null approach to research.

My question is, how I can get feedback from other professors around the world and expose my ideas? Maybe with the hope that they will like to guide me in their field of specialty or maybe doing a paper together. I know that a lot of good professors in their own field are pretty busy, so I think it would be not polite to approach to them, by email, tell them about my ideas and ask for academical support (not monetary, but about guiding and feedback).

The field that I like to do research is Computer Science. I have only 5 publications in different areas, but I would really like to do more.

Any suggestion?

grading - Should the marker be responsible for explain assignment and exam or the instructor?

Some instructors tell their students to ask the markers about the questions on assignments and exam papers after they are marked. But many markers are not quite familiar with textbook or other teaching material. Who do you think should take the most responsibility in answering students questions on assignments and exam papers, markers or the instructors?

Questions about contacting a professor for getting PhD

I have contacted a professor about the availability of a PhD position. And I got the following responses:

I would be interested to explore the opportunities for you to come and complete a PhD in the Precision Livestock Management group that I lead. I have attached a formal application form for you to complete. One of the issues that we will need to address is funding. I do not have any current direct funding, however, it is possible that depending on the project area I could seek some indirect support from the University to waive the overseas fees. We would still need to find funds to cover your living expenses. Do you have any opportunities for funding to support your PhD?

I would also be interested to hear what areas of research you would more specifically like to focus on that might relate to precision livestock management?

My Response:

Thanks for your message and consideration.

Actually, as you may know finding the financial support is not simple, usually. Honestly, I am not so optimistic to find one. However, I will keep eyes to find any financial support.

Herewith are the topics that I would prefer to do the research on them: . . .

Besides, in the case you have any suggestion about a topic please let me know.

To complete the application form I have to attach the research proposal. Thus, I would be grateful if I could have your confirmation for the topic.

Then, I sent him a required information and got the following answer:

I will give some thought to possible project areas. In your initial application you will need to say that you are applying for a full fee-paying place. We can then explore options for securing funds for a project.

Actually, it is my first serious contact with a professor. Does his response include any sign that I may get the position? How serious is the position? Should I count on this position? He asked me to fill in the application form. Am I supposed to send the application form to him or the admission office? He told me, he will give some thought to possible project areas. One of the required documents for application form is the research proposal. Should I wait for his thoughts and write a research proposal based on that? Should I follow up his thoughts? Within which timeframe should this procedure usually be completed?

Tuesday 17 December 2019

anonymity - Should I chase up confidential feedback not being "sanitised"

I'm not sure how to phrase the question exactly in the title, but the issue is essentially this. I gave some feedback for a subject I did, which I was told was confidential. The lecturer found out I gave the feedback and approached me about it. From what she said, they were able to piece together who I was from the examples I gave of my concerns.

I realised from their statements that the feedback was given directly to them, but with no names attached (I assume). I don't feel that this was adequately stated in the survey. Now while I no doubt they will be a professional moving forward in this situation, I cannot know for certain that they now hold a vendetta against me. Conversely, they could also inflate my marks to appease me as well. Either circumstance I think we can agree is not favourable.

I have already emailed the university about this some time ago, but never received a reply. The thing I am most concerned about is the lack of clarity about the feedback, I would not have included "incriminating" evidence had I known this was given to the lecturer's directly - though I am unsure if that was an incorrect assumption on my part.

Anyways, my question is: should I chase this up or should I let it go?


At most institutions in the United States, instructors are given their course evaluations in toto, only stripped of names. It's up to students to not write anything which would lead to deductive disclosure. But there's plausible deniability, so you could have feigned ignorance when she approached you (which was an entirely unprofessional thing to do).

If you are worried about retribution then speak to your chair or at the very least send an email note so that you have a paper record of your concerns.

united states - Can an international student gain admission to medical school in the USA?

I have been an international student in the US for quite a few years now (since 11th grade, 4 years to be exact), and I have always been interested in studying medicine in order to become a doctor. Since I am currently a college junior I feel the need to start preparing for the MCAT and Grad school. Alas, med school for international student in the US is pretty much impossible, every institution I've looked up required at least having the green card.

My question is, can I realistically aspire to become a doctor studying in the states as an international student ? or will I categorically need a green card ?

Is there a way designed for someone involved in my academic pursuits to get a green card (excluding the lottery due to statistics)? I've heard of program such as the DREAM act?

graduate school - How many papers should a Ph.D. student review for their professor per year?

My professor asks us on a frequent basis to review papers and get together, discuss their merit and come up with a review. This happens in bursts, where I may do 2 one week 2 another and then go for 3 weeks with none and then back to having 2 or so a week to look at. There is never more than a 2 week notice given before we must have these reviews in. I would say at a minimum I review 6 papers a semester, with 10 being the max.

So my question is how much time should a Ph.D. candidate student be putting toward reviewing a paper? Also how many papers a semester or year would you consider an average having to review as a Ph.D. student?

Now realize I understand that I need to be reading papers and the state of the art in my field but that is not what we are asked. I feel it is more involved to come up with a metric of determining originality and such with each paper for a review.

job search - How to negotiate multiple tenure-track offers

I'm in the lucky situation that I received 2 offers for tenure-track positions within days of each other from institutions A and B. Either one of the institutions would be a good fit. So far, neither A nor B know about my application at the respective other institution.

How do I go about negotiating these offers? Should I mention the details of the offer of A to institution B and vice versa? If no, what if they explicitly ask?

Related: How do people get simultaneous offers?

Monday 16 December 2019

phd - Which type of paper is best for computer science, journal or conference?

Paper submissions always put weight on our resume, specifically for students who are applying for a Ph.D. Conference papers are different from journal papers, at least in few cases. Which one puts more weight on our resume? For example, if two students have same level of qualifications except one student has a journal paper and the other one has a conference paper, which one gets higher priority?

I'm a computer science graduate, very much interested in publishing a paper. I just wanted to know the pros and cons of paper submission, and more specifically the advantages of journal paper vs. conference paper.

research process - Transitioning between two advisors who work in the same department

A PhD student has been working with Prof A. However, after a year, the student decided that he doesn't like the field and wants to change his advisor to Prof B, who works in the same department with Prof A.

Would there be any potential adverse effects on relationships if the student changes PhD advisor from Prof A to Prof B within same department, especially when the student has strong previous connections with Prof B?

Can Prof A advise Prof B not to take the student in such a case? Has anybody experienced cases like these and what the results were?

Assume Prof A is tenured and Prof B is not .and Prof A was against co advising from beginning.

Sunday 15 December 2019

ethics - Should I report cheating to my professor? If so, how?

My professor reuses old tests. I have no idea why she told us this, but she did. In class today I noticed someone reviewing last years test, with the answers circled, on their computer in google drive, along with several other tests for this course that have not occurred yet. The test is in two days, and I know that this person will most likely have the answers memorized so it will be impossible to prove anything unethical is happening during the exam to a proctors perspective. Not only does this student have the exams, though, but many others. Apparently fraternities hold onto these and share them amongst each other.

When posting about this on Yik Yak, and my irritation with this, I received many yaks back threatening me should I turn people in, saying they would find me and hurt me. I have no reason to believe anyone knows what class I noticed the cheating in, or who I am, but this has me unsettled.

I have been studying and will continue to study for this test, and I find it infuriating that others don't need to bother with studying at all. I work hard for everything, and I do not want to get screwed over for this. The tests are curved so that the mean score for every test is a C+, and a large group of students who score well through cheating will undermine those who did not cheat on the curve.

What do I do?

Saturday 14 December 2019

botany - How do trees manage to grow equally in all directions?

I was walking down a road with these beautifully huge trees when this question occurred to me.

Large trees with many thick branches have to grow equally in all directions, or they would tip over. Is there some sort of mechanism to ensure this uniform growth? Or is it just a happy coincidence arising from uniform availability of sunlight on all sides? If one branch of a tree becomes too heavy due to many sub-branches, does this somehow trigger growth on the opposite side of the tree?

I have seen that potted plants in houses tend to grow towards sunlight. My mum often turns pots around by 180 degrees to ensure that plants don't bend in any one direction. I assume that this is because sunlight increases the rate of photosynthesis, leading to rapid growth of the meristem. For trees growing in open spaces, this wouldn't be a problem. But there are many large trees that grow in the shadow of buildings without bending away from the buildings, even though this is the only direction from which they would receive any sunlight. Is there any explanation for this?


Growth in plants is tightly controlled by auxins – plant hormones. Auxin itself usually has an inhibitory effect on growth [EDIT: see comments and Richard’s answer for correction]. As far as I know there is no active control to restore plant symmetry once it has gone awry (but I could be wrong!) but the inhibitory effect of auxin synthesised at the meristem and diffusing in all directions causes a symmetrical pattern of inhibition and activation, forming shoots at symmetrical distances around the shoot apical meristem – this is very visible in the symmetry of the romanesco broccoli:


Furthermore, there are several mechanisms involving auxin which shape the general growth of the plant. The most important ones are:

  • Apical dominance which causes the apex (the stem) of the plant to grow more strongly than other parts of the plant, ensuring a general centring of the growth.

  • Phototropism causes the plant to grow towards sunlight. Unlike you hypothesised, this isn’t simply due to more photosynthesis and hence faster growth at the front of the plant facing the light, it’s actively controlled.

  • Gravitropism is a very interesting effect which causes the plant to grow generally upwards. It’s interesting because the mechanism is actually using gravity: the auxin synthesised at the meristem diffuses downwards in the plant due to gravity, inhibiting the growth in lower regions (but note that in the root apical meristem the effect is somehow reversed).

  • Hydrotropism causes the plant to grow towards water.

All these effects combined cause the plant to grow in a generally upwards, laterally distributed fashion.

evolution - Are there any multicellular forms of life which exist without consuming other forms of life in some manner?

The title is the question. If additional specificity is needed I will add clarification here. Are there any multicellular forms of life whic...