Thursday 27 December 2018

pathophysiology - Parallel Autonomic regulation of Cough and Runny Nose

I describe here the serous inflammation of runny nose. Cough is mediated by Cough center.

I think Runny nose is also controlled by the autonomic nervous system and probably by some reflex.

Assume you have mild runny nose under Montelukast medication. You have irritated cough (coughing so much you cannot sleep). You stop the cough by codeine before sleeping. You sleep at 30 degree angle. Sometimes, you also feel that the runny nose stops i.e. complete relieve of runny nose in both nostrils and whole nose for about 30 seconds to a minute - perfectly clear nose and no serous inflammation - no symptoms of imflammation in the nose.

Then, it (serous inflammation) starts again - not like mucose running back - but the feeling of uneasiness in the whole nose starts again - then mucose can also continue to migrate from one nostril to another. What is causing this kind of behaviour i.e complete relieve of of runny nose for about 30 seconds? What is causing the stopping of serous inflammation in the nose?

I think the Runny nose can also be controlled by medulla oblongata because Codeine is blocking the cough center there.

I tried to achieve this behaviour by stimulating by lymphatic system in regulating breathing by abdominal muscles - lymphatic drainage massage - breathing inside with abdomen (not with thorax) and deeply exhale with abdomen). At that time, I did not hear any creaky sounds in my throat. After trying to stop the serous inflammation again, I heard them without managing to stop serous inflammation in both nostrils at the same time.

How is the control of Cough and Runny nose regulated by the autonomic nervous system? Probably, some parallelism there.

Processes going on regulating Cough and Runny nose

  • reflex from medulla oblongata

  • sympaticus and parasympaticus (not sure about these)

  • possible parallelism of irritated cough and runny nose control

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