Saturday 8 December 2018

career path - CV contents for application for professorship positions in Germany

I am in the process of applying for a Junior Professorship (W1) in mathematics in Germany, and according the the job listing, the required application documents include a CV and a list of publications (among other things).

What should I include in the CV? Personal details, such as date/place of birth, martial status? How about invited and contributed talks at workshops and conferences? And research interests, or language / computer skills?

How long should the CV generally be?


  • In Germany you usually have data/place of birth and martial status on your CV and it is also common to have the number of children there. Also a portrait photo is not uncommon, though not necessary.

  • You should state your academic career, i.e. where you got your degrees, who has been your supervisor and when you graduated (give BSc, MSc and PhD).

  • Academic and other employments (where did you do postdocs, internships and such)

  • A list of grants.

  • Other scientific activities such as service for the community, public outreach, acting as a referee for journals.

  • (Invited) talks you gave (may be a selection)

  • Lectures you gave, possibly your graduate students

That's what I had on my CV when I applied for Junior professorships. Was about five pages without list of publications (which can be included in the CV, by the way).

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