Wednesday 26 December 2018

blog - Pitfalls of Academic Blogging

I am a junior academic (just finishing a PhD in computer science) and I'm considering starting an academic blog. My reasons for starting a blog are:

  • Fun.

  • Improving my visibility.

  • The benefit of science.

… basically, the same reasons I publish papers. (In a sense, academic blogging, is just a 21st century form of academic communication to supplement journals and conferences.)

However, I also have concerns:

  • Maintaining an active blog takes a lot of time and effort. (i.e. it may stop being fun.)

  • Fear of failure - many blogs die. (Does an inactive blog look bad?)

  • Being a junior researcher, I worry that people will not care about my blog or, worse, disagree with what I say.

So I want to ask for advice from people who have (or had) an academic blog:

Is academic blogging a good idea?
Does it become too much effort?
Is it worthwhile?
How likely is blog-death?
In general, what are pitfalls to watch out for when starting an academic blog?

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