Tuesday 22 May 2018

authorship - Can co-first authors’ positions be swapped in a CV?

Some papers have co-first authors, which are supposed to have contributed equally. However, there is still an order issue.

Imagine a paper co-authored by A, B, and C. The paper goes like:

                                     A Very Long Paper Title
A*, B*, and C

Our work is good.
* A and B contributed equally to the work.

In this case, is it acceptable for B to cite this paper as follows in his/her CV?

B*, A*, and C. A Very Long Paper Title. Journal of Stack Exchange. Jan. 2015. (* indicates the co-first authorship)

Note the position swap.


No. The reference is the reference, changing it to move yourself higher could be misinterpreted as willful deceit.

Add a parenthetical statement at the end of the references saying "first n authors are co-first authors, listed in this order because..."

On my "internal" CV I have parentheticals after many papers, for example, listing contributions, nominations for best paper, etc.

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