Sunday, 13 August 2017

human anatomy - Does a full tear of the gluteus minimus tendon result in a long-lasting inflammatory response?

Does a full tear of the gluteus minimus tendon result in a long-lasting inflammatory response?

This answer mentions:

An isolated gluteus minimus tear still causes functional problems because of the associated inflammatory response

But I read on {1}:

“signs of either acute or chronic inflammation have not been found in any surgical pathologic specimens in patients with clinically diagnosed lateral tennis elbow syndrome,”

Note that tendon tears are present in a tennis elbow (a.k.a. lateral epicondylopathy). From {2}:

Review of MRI findings from 24 patients with epicondylitis reported increased intratendon signal on both T1 and T2 pulse sequences58 with occasional bone marrow edema pattern in the epicondyle. Other studies have shown thickening, edema, and tears of the common extensor tendon.


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