Saturday 18 March 2017

publications - What affiliation to put on an academic paper for alumni authors?

I finished my B.Sc in CS about 6 month ago and now I am writing a paper for a conference. before when I was a student I put my university and department name below my name as an author. but now I am not a student. I saw somebody put their IEEE membership on the paper something like "member of IEEE Computer society" or something similar, but I am not a member in any society yet!

What I used before:

Sajjad Gerami
Department of Math and Computer Science,
Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran

What I may use now:

Sajjad Gerami

Can I do that? Can I publish a paper just by my name and email (which is a Gmail one) without any institutional affiliation?

Update: For information about email address check these questions:

What should a proper email signature look like for graduate students?

E-mail address to use in publications


The standard practice is to list the affiliations under which the work was performed. If you performed the work as an undergraduate at your undergraduate institution, then you should continue to list it in work related to that effort. However, you can "update" your address by listing a "current address" along with the old affiliations.

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