Sunday 3 November 2019

funding - FOIA request for full NSF awards proposal and report

Related to this question on mathoverflow…

Indeed, I just found out that to see full proposal or later reports. One needs to file a FOIA request, as described here.

So I am curious if anyone has done so? And how is the process like? In particular, can the requester remain confidential after the request (so other people will not know that I made the request)?

Additional follow up question: What kind of people can file FOIA request? Does it have to be US citizens? Or just anyone working in US? etc..


The name of the requester does not remain confidential.

A friend of mine was recently on the other end. NSF contacted him to tell him that an FOIA request had been made for a copy of his proposal, told him the name of the requester, and asked whether the proposal contained any sensitive information that he wished to have redacted.

The general feeling was that making such a request, rather than contacting the PI directly, was unprofessional and borderline creepy. I second JeffE's comment: Ask the PI first.

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