Tuesday 12 November 2019

etiquette - Is it possible/acceptable to ask for wear & tear travel expense reimbursement?

An example: I've been using some suitcase, mostly (but not only) for traveling to conferences. Gradually, the wheels have wore out, and in my last trip I was walking over some gravelly road for a while and they're now completely busted. There are also small tears in a couple of places. So, for a trip I took last week, I bought a new suitcase. Again, I'm using it for conference travel, but of course also for strictly personal use.

In your experience, is it customary/acceptable/possible to ask for reimbursement for this kind of expenses - products which travel-related, not specific to the conference you're attending, and suffer wear over time?


  • I'm a post-doc in the Netherlands, so if you feel your answer is academic-seniority-specific, or country-specific, please qualify it.

  • I actually spent a lot less on this trip then other people from my research institute - less than half, since I didn't stay at a hotel but with a friend. So it's not as though I'm artificially inflating the bill.

  • I realize one answer could be "just try it / ask about the institutional policy and see what happens"; but I want to hear about norms and customs.

  • I'm not asking about the ethics, I think it's perfectly ethical for me to make that request and get the money.

  • The suitcase cost 60 EUR, to give you a sense of the amount of money we're talking about.

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