Thursday 31 October 2019

Is there a more user-friendly way to download multiple articles from arXiv?

I am subscribed to the arXiv daily digests for my subject area. I find myself, every day, doing the following, when I get to work:

1) Browsing through the arXiv email and right-clicking on the articles of interest to me (to open each of the pages in a different tab in my browser)

2) For each of these pages, downloading the pdf by clicking on the link, re-naming it by .pdf, and saving the pdf in a directory on my PC

[3) the directory is then automatically synched to my tablet during the day]

4) Looking at the articles on my commute home on my tablet.

I am bored of doing (2). It only takes 10-20 seconds per article (depending on things like how many carriage returns or inappropriate characters I have to remove from the cut-and-pasted article title and author names -- e.g. math characters (I am a mathematician and symbols in titles do not cut and paste well)) but when I'm interested in 5 articles and one has a lengthy title with carriage returns and symbols in, my mind wanders and I start thinking about whether this has already been automated by someone, because it seems to me that there would be no obstruction to doing so in theory, but I would not be capable of doing it myself. Does such an automation exist?

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