Wednesday 18 September 2019

Physics masters and PhD degrees in England/UK

This question is about academia in the UK/England. I understand that in physics, the PhD thesis one produces must be of their own studies, almost like publishing a paper. If you will, a kind of discovery they themselves or along with others have made.

However, I'm not so sure about a physics masters thesis, if there even is one?

I'm assuming here that you do have to produce a masters thesis as I've seen people ask about masters thesis questions for other subjects, please do correct me if I'm wrong.

In a physics masters thesis, is it the same basis and a PhD thesis (something on research you've conducted yourself)? Is it a thesis question on something you find interesting and you're just writing as a good a question as you can about it (so something someone else has discovered)? Or is it something completely different from the two of these?

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