Sunday 27 January 2019

literature - Modern immunology textbooks

I am looking for recommendations to good textbooks introducing modern immunology. Review articles, preferably modern (post 2000) would also be useful.

Please, include a brief comment with each book recommendation.

About book listing questions on SE: I understand that SE sites in general have adopted in the last year a policy against book listing questions. Instead, book lists should be moved to tag wikis. However, since BiologySE is still beta and young and the tag-wiki for immunology is mostly empty, I believe we would benefit from a question listing good introductory books to modern immunology, at least temporarily. Eventually, when Biology.SE matures, this question should be closed or locked, and the book recommendations herein moved to the tag-wiki for immunology. Moreover, for most other SE sites I have seen, the tag-wikis usually gather information that first appeared in questions like this, even if the question is eventually closed or locked. That's why I think this question will be useful to the community, at least temporarily.

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