Monday 14 January 2019

evolution - Probability of Extinction under Genetic Drift

Here is the Wright-Fisher model of genetic drift:

$$\frac{(2N)!}{k!(2N-k)!}p^kq^{2N-k} \Leftrightarrow \binom{2N}{k}p^kq^{2N-k}$$

where $\binom{2N}{k}$ is the binomial coefficient.

This formula gives the probability of obtaining $k$ copies of an allele at generation $t+1$ given that there are $p$ copies of this allele at generation $t$. $N$ is the population size and $2N$ is the number of copies of each gene (this model applies to diploid population only).

From this formula, how can we calculate the probability of extinction of an allele in say 120 generations starting at a given frequency, let's say 0.2?


How can we calculate the probability of extinction rather than fixation of an allele present at frequency $p$ if we wait an infinite amount of time?



The answer is here!

Original comment/answer

Kimura and Ohta (1969) showed that assuming an initial frequency of $p$, the mean time to fixation $\bar t_1(p)$ is:

$$\bar t_1(p)=-4N\left(\frac{1-p}{p}\right)ln(1-p)$$

similarly they showed that the mean time to loss $\bar t_0(p)$ is

$$\bar t_0(p)=-4N\left(\frac{p}{1-p}\right)ln(p)$$

Combining the two, they found that the mean persistence time of an allele $\bar t(p)$ is given by $\bar t(p) = (1-p)\bar t_0(p) + p\bar t_1(p)$ which equals

$$\bar t(p)=-4N\cdot \left((1-p)\cdot ln(1-p)+p\cdot ln(p)\right)$$

This does not answer any of the two questions!

This answer gives...

  • the average persistence time

but not...

  • the probability of fixation rather than extinction if we wait an infinite amount of time


  • the probability that the allele get extinct over a period of say 120 generations.

Can someone improve this answer?

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