Saturday 26 January 2019

job search - "Looking for a postdoc" ad inside a conference talk?

I got my PhD one year ago; I am looking for a position (e.g., postdoc). I am going to a fairly attended conference, and was pondering about how to make audience aware that I am on the market.

  • An explicit, dedicated slide (maybe at the end)?

  • A verbal statement?

  • A caption on my T-shirt? :)

Would you find any of this appropriate? What would you advice me to do?

EDIT In case you think it's not a good idea, I'd be interested in knowing why. Otherwise, I'd be interested in any additional implementation advice (how to formulate that, or whatever comes to mind).


Don't be shy about advertising. As you and Dave suggest, place it at the end, but you don't need to be very subtle about it. I've seen a number of talks where people advertise the fact that they're on the market, and everyone understands the need to do this. Presumably you're worried about it seeming desperate, but it isn't.

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