Wednesday 6 June 2018

professors - What sources of funding do faculty in Computer Science dept. in US universities have other than NSF?

I made the question a bit more specific (location:US, discipline: CS) as I'm interested in answers pertaining to those details, but I can make it completely generic if the community so suggests...

By funding, I mean grants awarded to faculty as PI/co-PI for supporting Research Assistant-ships, travel to conferences, equipment acquirement etc.

My motivation behind the question, if its relevant, is whether I can use the NSF website as an exclusive source for looking up whether a particular faculty can support more students - if there are other sources of grants, doing just that would not paint a complete picture! As to my reasons for looking up faculty funding, its just so that I can answer emails from prospective applicants to the PhD program which ask "Do u know if Prof. X in your dept. has funding for new students" with a one-liner - look it up on the NSF page!


Off the top of my head, I can think of American CS faculty who have been supported by grants, contracts, or gifts from each of the following:

  • US funding agencies: DARPA, Department of Defense, Department of Energy, National Instutites of Health, Department of Homeland Security, Office of Naval Research, Army Research Office, Department of Education, NASA, ...

  • Foreign funding agencies (usually in concert with NSF, for international collaborations): Deutsche Forshungsgemeinschaft (Germany), Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France), Israeli Science Foundation, Danish National Research Foundation, ...

  • Private foundations: Sloan, Packard, Simons, Fulbright, Guggenheim, ...

  • Industry: Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Cisco, Boeing, Adobe, NVidia, ...

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