Saturday 15 October 2016

evolution - List of heritability estimates in humans?

Many people on this site ask questions that directly or indirectly have to do with heritability in human.

Do you know a list of estimates of heritability of various traits in humans? Or could you try to create such list?

That might be great to have various kind of traits, personality traits, life-history traits, morphological traits, …

I am not necessarily asking for GWA studies that inform about what genes explain the observed variance (although that would be really great) but just some estimates of heritability and eventually information about the method used (parent-offspring regression, twins, ...) and which population was studied.


You may consider consulting the H2DB database. The database is quite new, so the number of heritability estimates is not very high at the moment (currently 225 estimates for human, 838 estimates in total), but it's a start. The database is described in a paper by Kaminuma et al.(2)

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