Thursday 6 September 2018

evolution - Is designing alien life still just science fiction?

As we continue to search for life in very different environments than the earth, it would make sense to me to think about and design lifeforms (theoretical) that could work in these environments. I know that we are searching for life in extreme environments, but are we thinking about lifeforms that could have evolved in such environments? (Even if we dont find any)

The idea of the atom comes from ancient greek philosophers long before one could find any evidence for it. Although their views on what atoms look like and how they behave were incorrect, one could later refine this model through evidence and experimentation.

I think some good thought could makes us learn what to look for in the first place.

Is this still just a field that science fiction thinks about, or are there any serious publications on this topic? If not, why not?

Clarification: I mean the theoretical design of lifeforms. Not just manipulating and editing existing lifeforms, I mean designing completely new theoreticaly plausible lifeforms, within the constraints of a given environment. On paper or simulation etc, not actually making them physically.

If you find any scientific papers on how and what kind of life could exist for example on Titan, Europa, below Earths crust etc... or any other environment, please link to them in your answer. Thanks!

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