Friday 27 April 2018

phd - Boost grad apps profile without getting a second master's: Subject GRE? Self-study? Soft skills?

In general, how does one boost PhD admission profile?

In my context, same question but besides getting a master's in pure math. (See here and here)

Here's what I got so far:

  1. Employment not specifically in research for soft skills boost (I have specific career goals in case I am not good enough for academia)

  2. Employment specifically in academic research (I've seen job posts that look for research assistants) for research experience here I think?

  3. Employment as a research analyst in finance

  4. Tests e.g. GRE Subject

  5. Self-study

What else?

  1. work for a professor for a research project like here I think?

  2. Or pay a professor to supervise my own research projects like here I think?

My context:

What about the GRE Subject?

  • I was suggested by one of my professors to study for GRE Subject, but I think that was in the context of his applying to master's having had only a bachelor's.

On one hand:

  • The GRE Subject may make up for low grades or the fact that I haven't had complex analysis, number theory, graph theory and abstract algebra. Is that right?

On the other hand:

P.S. Sucks if I don't stand a better chance for boosting admissions through self-study. Sigh. Can't believe there's a dichotomy between doing what is helpful for graduate school and what is helpful for graduate applications, but then again professors aren't the only stakeholders.

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