Friday 20 April 2018

graduate admissions - After PhD in Aerospace Engineering, could I be admitted into a top university for a second PhD in Computer Science?

I currently work as an Aerospace Engineer for the Department of Defense for nearly 6 years now, and I have a PhD in Aerospace Engineering from a top-10 university in the United States. I am seriously thinking of doing a 2nd PhD in Computer Science, because I want to eventually own an Algorithmic Energy Trading Firm and need to become an expert in Machine Learning algorithms.

As of now, I am working on a few journal papers to publish and I am not going to have any problems getting strong letters of recommendation from my employer and professors on campus. I ought to be able to get a letter from the Dean of my college as well. So, I am thinking of a second PhD in Computer Science because I really want to immerse myself in Machine Learning and figured a PhD was the way to go.

Question for everyone: Would it be a challenge for me to acquire entrance into a top 5 school in Computer Science for a PhD?

I ought to mention that my PhD research was in Computational Fluid Dynamics, Turbulent Flow and I had to develop my numerical solver and turbulence models in Object-Oriented C++.

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