Sunday 23 July 2017

professors - Post tenure job search in the humantities: a waste of time?

I've searched many forums and websites and I am hoping to find a more direct answer to my question.

I am a tenured, associate professor of humanities at a SLAC (yes, I do appreciate this). My family is very unhappy where we are living. I would have gone on the job market before getting tenure but had a confluence of personal crises that went on for over a year. Anyway, I looked for a job last year but noticed that all except one or two in my field are for assistant professor.

Is it "not done"/completely a waste of time to apply for assistant professor positions?

Last year, I had one campus interview, and they said they would hire me as associate but not tenured. Didn't get that job, obviously. I am actually okay with moving without tenure, due to wanting to improve things for my family. I am just a humanities prof, however -- I don't bring grants, funding, all that jazz with me. I'm not a hotshot in publications, either. I don't want a different job or a different university (a move up), just a different location where my family might be happier.

Am I wasting my time?

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