Monday 5 June 2017

phd - Canada vs. Australia for the academic career

Two days ago I was in discussion with a colleague of mine about the possible PhD studies destinations. We both agreed that the chances of getting post-Doc job or any full position are higher in the country we finish PhD (Maybe you have different opinion). However, we ended up discussion two potential (native English-speakers) countries, namely, Canada and Australia. We both had a vague idea about post PhD stage (academia or industry), so we had not much to share. My question is which country is generally better in terms of the following (computer science field):

  • Research sector prospects (is there any studies indicate which country has stronger research profile in computer science - my gut feeling is Canada at least from the world universities ranking in computer science)

  • Academic career path (What are the possible career paths for PhD graduates? (tenure track, postdoc, lab researchers ... etc.).

  • Finance benefits (taking into account the living cost in both countries, which of the countries, the academic career stand stronger comparing to the industrial jobs in terms of financial benefits)

Any advice to improve the question is most welcomed.

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