Saturday 23 March 2019

species identification - Taxonomy: Categorising Collembola

Observe: In some rows (Order, Family), the third column reveals a discerning physical characteristic or body type (Elongate, Slender).

What are the discerning characteristics, missing from the other rows (Superfamily, Subfamily, Genus, Species)?

Basically I want this knowledge so I can work towards being able to separate, categorize (catalogue) and/or identify new or unknown species, etc.


Exhibit A  Collembola: Entomobrya unostrigata Entomobrya unostrigata
(aka. Cotton Springtail)


Domain      | Eukaryota        | (Eukaryotes)  
Kingdom | Animalia | (Animals)
Phylum | Arthropoda | (Arthropods)
Subphylum | Hexapoda | (Hexapods)

Class | Collembola | (Springtails)
Order | Entomobryomorpha | (Elongate)
Superfamily | Entomobryoidea |
Family | Entomobryidae | (Slender)
Subfamily | Entomobryinae |
Genus | Entomobrya |
Species | Unostrigata |

Sources: Image; photographed by myself. Text; transcribed from my own hand-written notes. Most likely (originally) gleaned and adapted from publicly available, online information. It may contain errors or inaccuracies.
Resources: Check out and


Okay, the question has been put on hold, preventing answers from being posted (very irritating and obstructionist policy for those seeking answers, I might add). So I will attempt to clarify.

Exhibit B  Collembola: Orchesella cincta Orchesella cincta

Exhibit C  Collembola: Willowsia nigromaculata Willowsia nigromaculata

Exhibit D  Collembola: Entomobrya multifasciata Entomobrya multifasciata

Exhibit E  Collembola: Seira bipunctata Seira bipunctata

The diversity of these specimens; span not only multiple species, but multiple genera. Yet, despite the fact that they each exhibit relatively distinctive combinations of patterns and colours across their cuticle (epidermis, surface epithelium), setae, scales, etc. they all look pretty much identical.

This seems to be the equivalent of declaring a homo sapiens of African descent; a different species to a homo sapiens of Irish descent, on account of their superficial aesthetic differences (most notably regarding melanin; the pigments that determine the colours of a human's skin, hair[s], and iride[s] (eye[s]), and so on). Which, at first seems absurd. But for those of you who disagree, observe the differences between (for instance): Exhibit X vs Exhibit B & Exhibit Y vs Exhibit E. Similar variations between individuals of the same species are not uncommon in the least.

Thus, my question: What are the discerning taxonomical differences between various species and genera of the Arthropoda known as Collembola (aka Springtails)?

Exhibit X  Collembola: Orchesella cincta Orchesella cincta

Exhibit Y  Collembola: Seira bipunctata Seira bipunctata

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