Sunday 4 March 2018

graduate admissions - Should I disclose my mental illness and medication in a PhD position interview?

While I was doing my PhD in my previous position I was diagnosed with a mental illness. I started medication however as a result I could not concentrate very well and it made me quit my previous position. I continued my medication and recently have reduced it. Now I think I am able to concentrate again.

Soon I will have an interview for a new PhD position. I was wondering if I should bring up the matter. On one hand, I think I should be honest to my future supervisor. On the other hand, I don't want to lose the chance by scaring them.

Would you please help me with your opinions?

If I shouldn't bring it up myself, what if they asked me about my previous position? Should I tell everything then?


There is no requirement to disclose and given the current climate around mental health, I would not suggest disclosing.

I would say that you had health problems that resulted in your having to leave your former school, but that these issues are under control and you are confident you will succeed at your new program.

I would be sure you tell your letter writers to also use the vague rubric of "health problems" as some may inadvertently disclose without thinking about how you want to be framed.

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